TM 5-6350-275-10
Figure 2-32. Page 1, Operator Profile Record
d. If you want to deny or allow access to specific special function keys, that is, [CNTRL] or [ATTR] (see paragraphs
2-11 and 2-12), press the [NEXT PAGE] key 10 times to display Page 11, Operator Profile Record, Figure 2-33.
e. Press the [NEXT] key until the desired field is selected.
f. Press the [CANCEL] key to change the value from "YES" to "NO". The "NO" value denies you the use of that
key. Use the IDELETE] key to erase a "NO" value and type in either a "Y" or "YES". The "YES" value grants you the
use of that key.
g. Press [GO] to save the record. The display is returned to the preliminary page.
h. Press [FINISH] to return to the operator utilities menu. Press F10 three times to return to the ICIDS SignOn
a. Press the F2 key to display the preliminary page of the operator profile record.
b. The user name field is highlighted. Enter the operator's user name. Press the [RETURN] key. Page 1, Operator
Profile Record is displayed.
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