![]() TM 5-6350-262-14/5
NAVELEX 0967-466-9051
TO 31S9-4-38-1 Chg 1
circuitry. The ac presence module output signal is connected
6-1. Scope
to terminal board S-3 and -3R. Under normal conditions
a. This chapter contains a description of the control unit
when ac power is supplied to the control unit, the ac presence
operation keyed to the functional schematic diagram shown in
module output signal is a low impedence of 0 to 2000 ohms.
figure FO-1. The schematic diagram and text provide an
Loss of ac power to the control unit for 3 seconds will result in
explanation of signal flow through the control unit and supply
an output alarm signal of 100,000 ohms or greater. When ac
input/output data for each nonreparable module in keeping
power is restored, the output alarm signal resets automatically
with the maintenance concept. Relay diagrams are illustrated
to the no-alarm state.
within applicable module blocks in order to adequately
describe signal flow due to various operating conditions.
(2) Plus 5 Volts DC. Regulated + 5 volts dc (4.75 to
5.25 V dc) is distributed to connector pins J8-10, J9-1I 1, J10-
b. The control unit circuit and functional descriptions are
5, and JI 1-6 in the status processor primarily for integrated
presented in the following sequence:
circuitry operation. The 5 volt supply is also connected to
terminal board L2-4 for use during control unit testing to
(1) Primary power supply, paragraph 6-2.
inhibit Audible Alarm BZ-204 ( )/FSS-9 (V).
(2) Emergency power supply, paragraph 6-3.
(3) Plus 20 volts dc. The control unit power supply
furnishes regulated 20 volts (19 to 21 V dc) at I ampere for
(3) Duress alarm circuit, paragraph 6-4.
internal circuitry and for external use. The power supply is
protected from an overload condition on the 20-volt output line
(4) Intrusion alarm circuit, paragraph 6-5.
by fuse F2. This voltage is fed directly to connector pins JI-
10, J2-10, J3-10, J4-10, J5-10, J6-10, J7-10, J8-9, J9-17,
(5) Duress
J10-17, and Jll-17 in the status processor for transistor,
integrated circuit, and relay operation. Relay A I OK4 remains
operated as long as POWER switch S 1 is at ON and either
(6) Tamper/dc voltage alarm circuit, paragraph 6-7.
the power supply or the battery is supplying dc power. All
instantaneous, latched, and audible alarm signals are routed
(7) Access command, paragraph 6-8.
through the contacts of relay AIOK4. In the event of a
complete power loss, relay AlOK4 will restore and cause an
(8) Secure/access alarm, paragraph 6-9.
alarm output on the following terminals: Instantaneous alarm,
SI-I to -IR; latched alarm, SI-D to -DR; and audible alarm L2-1
6-2. Primary Power Supply
to -2. These output signals will continue until power is
restored. The 20-volt supply is also applied to terminal
a. The control unit requires a 115 volt ac 60-Hz external
boards A through F, terminal 4, to provide a source of power
power source for operation. The power supply will sustain
for system sensors, and to terminal board S-5 for input into
proper operation throughout input power variations from 110
Data Transmitter T-1 257( )/FSS-9(V) (fig 1-2).
to 125 volts and 48 to 62 Hz. External power is connected to
the control unit at TB 1-1 and -2 and applied to the power
(4) Plus 27.5 volts dc. The control unit power supply
supply through POWER switch S1 and fuse F 1. Switched I
+27.5-volt dc output is an unregulated supply operating
15 volts ac is fed to terminal board LI-I and -2 for output to
between approximately 26.5 and 30 volts dc.
Audible Alarm BZ-204 ( )/FSS-9 (V).
The voltage is used upon demand by a battery charger (para
b. The power supply provides the following output voltages:
emergency power supply battery at full charge and as an
(1) 6.3 volts ac. This output voltage is applied to AC
access command signal (para 6-8) to system sensors.
POWER indicator DS 1 and to an ac presence module within
the power supply. Plus 20 volts dc and +5 volts dc are also
fed to the ac presence module for powering timing and relay
Change 1
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