![]() TM 5-6350-262-14/5
NAVELEX 0967-466-9053
TO 31S9-4-38-1 Chg 3
6-3. Emergency Power Supply
6-4. Duress Alarm Circuit
a. Battery. A 24-volt 20-ampere hour battery automatically
a. Input. Duress signals from Alarm Latching Switch SA-
supplies the control unit with operating power in the event of a
1954( )/FSS-9(V) are applied to the control unit between
failure in the external ac power supply. The battery is capable
terminals 1 and 2 of terminal board F. An impedance
of sustaining control unit operation for a minimum of 24 hours
between these two terminals of 0 to 20,000 ohms is
without requiring charging. The battery can be discharged
processed by the control unit as a no-alarm signal input. An
and recharged 200 to 500 cycles. If the battery is not
impedance greater than 100,000 ohms is processed as a
completely discharged each cycle, 1000 or more
duress alarm signal input. Duress alarm signals are fed to
charge/discharge cycles of operation are possible.
connector pins J1-4 and -1 of alarm/tamper module Al. A no-
alarm input will result in approximately 0 volts dc output at
b. Battery Charger. The control unit power power supply
connector pins J1-6 and -8 (measured between test point
contains a duel charging circuit to maintain the battery in a
AITPI and ground). An alarm input signal will result in
full-charge condition. A fast charge circuit automatically
approximately 20 volts dc output at connector pins J1-6 and -
supplies the battery with a heavy charge charge current after
8. An alarm signal must last at least 100 milliseconds to be
an extended ac power outage. As soon as the battery is
processed by alarm/tamper module Al as a duress alarm.
charged to the proper level, the fast charge is automatically
Duress output signals (0 to 20 volts dc) from alarm/tamper
removed and the battery is floated on a trickle charge.
module Al are applied to connector pins J11-16 of alarm
identification module A 11, J9-8 of instantaneous alarm
module A9, and J10-6 of latched alarm module A10. (Refer
to paragraph 6-6 for a description of the duress alarm signal
If for any reason the Control Unit and
identification and display circuit.) Instantaneous and latched
attached sensors are deactivated, steps
alarm output signals are discussed in paragraphs b and c
shall be taken to prevent the battery from
exceeding a 6-month storage period
without recharging. This may be done in
b. Instantaneous Alarm Output. When a duress alarm signal
one of the three following ways:
is received, instantaneous alarm module A9 immediately
provides an alarm signal to control unit output terminal board
(1) For a Control Unit left in place and
S; and, in the test/reset operating mode an internal buzzer is
still connected to AC power, pull DC fuse
sounded to alert using personnel of receipt of an alarm. Each
F2: at the bottom of the power supply,
of these functions are discussed in the following paragraphs.
throw the power switch to ON and leave
ON. This will maintain a trickle charge
(1) Instantaneous alarm. From connector pin Jl-8
on the battery, thus preventing the
duress signals are applied to a 10-second timer via
battery from deteriorating.
instantaneous alarm module A9 connector pin J9-8. Relay
A9K1 contacts are in the position shown in figure 6-1 for a no-
(2) For the same Control Unit conditions
alarm (0 volts) input. In this condition a low impedance of 0
as 1 above AC power may be shut off,
to 2000 ohms exists between output connector pins J9-14 and
but a schedule of turning the AC power
-U. This no-alarm signal is routed from J9-14 to J 10-14,
ON for 72 consecutive hours.
through the normally closed contacts of relay A10K4, and out
J10-12. A duress alarm signal (20 volts dc) input activates
the 10-second instantaneous alarm circuit. When activated
(3) If the Control Unit is completely
the one-shot timing circuit provides a return path to the
disconnected, remove the batteries, and
ground buss for the 20 volts dc applied to the coil of relay
Recharge batteries every 6
A9K1 and causes it to operate for 10 + 2 seconds. When
months. Charging supply shall be a
constant voltage source set between 30-
greater than 100,000 ohms is present between
31 volts, with a charging current not to
exceed 3 amperes per 20 AMPHR battery
for a 24-hour recharging rate.
Change 3
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