![]() TM 5-6350-262-14/11
NAVELEX 0967-LP-466-9112
TO 31S9-4-39-1
remove it from the front of the cabinet.
the signal module holding it in the rack and pull the
g. Installation of the Power Supply. To install the
module out of the rack.
c. Installation of the Signal Module. To install the
power supply use the following steps.
(1) Unlock and open the monitor cabinet door.
signal module use the following steps:
Unlatch and open the swing-out rack.
(1) Unlock and open the cabinet door.
(2) Remove battery in accordance with
(2) Unlatch and swingout the mounting rack.
(3) Place the signal module in the swing-out rack
and install the four mounting screws on the front panel.
(3) Put the power supply in through the front of
(4) Connect the appropriate wires to the terminal
the cabinet and lift in place.
board located on the back of the signal module in
(4) Install the four nuts which secure the power
accordance with figure FO-3.
supply to the enclosure.
(5) Swing the swing-out rack back into place and
(5) Remove terminal barrier cover on power
supply TB-l.
(6) Close and lock cabinet door.
(6) Connect interconnecting wires to the
d. Removal of the Battery. To remove the battery
appropriate terminal barriers in accordance with figure
use the following steps:
(7) Replace terminal barrier cover on power
(1) Unlock and open the cabinet door.
supply TB-1.
(2) Unlatch and swingout the swing-out rack.
(8) Install battery in accordance with paragraph
(3) Place power supply switch S1 in the OFF
(9) Swing the swing-out rack back into place and
(4) Disconnect battery terminal leads.
(5) Slide battery to the right and remove from
(10) Turn ac power on.
the front of the enclosure.
e. Installation of the Battery. To install the battery
(11) Place power supply switch SI in on the ON
use the following steps:
(12) Close and lock monitor cabinet door.
(1) Unlock and open the cabinet door.
(2) Unlatch and swingout the swing-out rack.
Disassembly and Assembly
(3) Place power supply switch Sl in the OFF
CY-7361( )IFSS-9(V)
(4) Insert battery through front of cabinet and
slide into place. The battery terminals must face the
right side of the cabinet.
a. General. Instructions are provided in paragraphs
(5) Connect the battery terminals connectors to
b, c, d, e, f, and g for removal and installation of the
the appropriate battery terminal. See figure FO-3.
signal module, batteries, and power supply. Component
(6) Swing the swing-out rack back into place and
locations and attaching parts are illustrated in figure C-3.
The Monitor Cabinet CY-7361( )/FSS-9(V) wiring
(7) Place power supply switch SI in the ON
diagram is shown in figure FO-4.
b. Removal of the Signal Module. To remove the
(8) Close and lock cabinet door.
signal module use the following steps:
f. Removal of Power Supply. To remove the power
(1) Unlock and open the cabinet door.
supply use the following steps:
(2) Unlatch and swingout the top mounting rack.
(1) Unlock and open the monitor cabinet door.
(3) Remove the wires from the terminal board
Unlatch and open the swing-out rack.
located on the back of the signal module.
(2) Place power switch S 1 in the OFF position.
(4) Remove the four screws on the front of the
(3) Turn off incoming ac power.
signal module holding it in the rack and pull the module
(4) Remove battery in accordance with
out of the rack.
c. Installation of the Signal Module. To install the
(5) Remove terminal strip cover from power
signal module use the following steps:
supply TB-1.
(1) Unlock and open the cabinet door.
(6) Disconnect all interconnecting wires at the
(2) Unlatch and swingout the top mounting rack.
terminal blocks.
(3) Place the signal module in the swing-out rack
(7) Remove the four nuts holding the power
and install the four mounting screws on the front panel.
supply in the cabinet.
(4) Connect the appropriate wires to the terminal
(8) Life the power supply up and to the right and
board located on the back of the signal module in
accordance with figure FO-4.
Change 2 7-5
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