![]() TM 5-6350-262-14/11
NAVELEX 0967-LP-466-9112
TO 31S9-4-39-1
(5) Swing the swing-out rack back into place and
(8) Swing the swing-out rack back into place and
(6) Close and lock cabinet door.
d. Removal of the Batteries. To remove the
(9) Turn ac power on.
(10) Place power supply switch S1 in the ON
batteries use the following steps:
(1) Unlock and open the cabinet door.
(11) Close and lock monitor cabinet door.
(2) Place power supply switch S1 in the OFF
7-13.1 Maintenance of Batteries
(3) Disconnect battery terminal leads.
(4) Lift batteries and remove from the front of
the enclosure.
The monitor cabinet contains
e. Installation of the Batteries. To install the
rechargeable lead acid batteries; they are 24-volt
batteries use the following steps:
devices with varying ampere-hour capacities depending
(1) Unlock and open the cabinet door.
upon the specific power requirements of the three types
(2) Place power supply switch S1 in the OFF
of monitor cabinets. Although the batteries contain wet
cells; they are of the sealed maintenance free type (no
(3) Insert batteries through front of cabinet and
liquid maintenance required.) Internal low pressure
slide into place. The battery terminal must face the front
(2psi) vent caps are provided for each cell to minimize
of the cabinet.
the probability of electrolyte leakage during shipment
(4) Connect the battery terminals connectors to
and handling.
b. Battery Storage and Recharging.
the appropriate battery terminal. See figure FO-4.
(5) Place power supply switch S1 in the ON
(1) Since the batteries are of the lead acid type,
they have limited shelf life and require recharging at
(6) Close and lock cabinet door.
periodic intervals when in storage. If spare monitor
f. Removal of Power Supply. To remove the power
cabinets are available, they may be utilized to
supply use the following steps:
periodically recharge stored batteries in accordance with
the instructions of section d. If no spare monitor
(1) Unlock and open the monitor cabinet door.
Unlatch and open the bottom swing-out rack.
cabinets are available then the recharging instructions
given in section e should be followed.
(2) Place power switch S 1 in the OFF position.
(3) Turn off incoming ac power.
(2) At storage temperatures of 70'-75'F., the
(4) Remove batteries in accordance with
batteries will require recharging at intervals no longer
than 6 months. The dates for recharge of a specific
(5) Disconnect all interconnecting wires at the
battery are marked on the battery packing cases. If at
terminal blocks.
all possible, the batteries should not be stored at
(6) Remove the three wire bundle holders on the
temperatures above 80'F. for extended (longer than a
front of the power supply.
few days) periods of time. High temperature storage will
(7) Remove the six nuts holding the power
reduce the time between required recharges and may
supply in the cabinet.
shorten the battery service life. If it is impossible to
(8) Remove the power supply from the front of
store the batteries at 70'-75'F., then the batteries must
the cabinet.
be recharged at intervals specified in the following table,
g. Installation of the Power Supply. To install the
disregarding the 6 month interval specified on the
power supply use the following steps:
packing case.
Batteries must never be stored at
(1) Unlock and open the monitor cabinet door.
temperatures above 100'F. or below --30'F.
Storage temperature(o) Maximum time between recharge
Unlatch and open the bottom swing-out rack.
6 months
(2) Remove batteries in accordance with
5 months
4 months
(3) Put the power supply in through the front of
3 months
the cabinet and slide in place.
c. Periodic Testing of Operational Batteries. Prior to
(4) Install the six nuts which secure the power
initial installation, the batteries should be fully charged
supply to the enclosure.
and tested in accordance with the instructions in sec-
(5) Connect interconnecting wires to the
tions d and e. Once this initial charging and testing has
appropriate terminal barriers in accordance with figure
been accomplished, the batteries should require no
maintenance for a period of one year at ambient
(6) Replace the three wire bundle holders on the
temperatures below 100F. and six months at
front of the power supply.
(7) Install batteries in accordance with paragraph
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