![]() TM 5-6350-262-14/11/NAVALEX 0967-4669111/TO 31S94-39-1
recharging. This may be done in one of
the three following ways:
This chapter contains a description for each of the
(1) For a Monitor Unit left in place
modules which are an integral part of the monitor
and still connected to ac power, pull dc
cabinet(s) (i.e., power supply, signal module, and
fuse Fl, throw the power switch to ON,
interconnecting cable assembly).
Explanations are
and leave ON. This will maintain a
keyed to the monitor cabinet(s) functional schematic
trickle charge on the battery, thus
diagrams shown in figures 6-1, FO-1, and FO-2.
Monitor Cabinet Power
2. For the same Monitor Unit
condi- tions as 1 above, ac power may
Input power for the monitor cabinet is provided by two
be shut off, but a schedule of turning the
different sources. The primary power source of 115 V
ac power ON for 72 consecutive hours
ac, 60 Hz is supplied through TB1 of the power supply.
every six months shall be maintained.
The secondary, or emergency, power source of 24 V dc
3. If the Monitor Unit is completely
is supplied through TB2 of the power supply by one to
disconnected, remove the batteries, and
three sealed, rechargeable batteries. Monitor Cabinet
store. If batteries are kept in storage in
CY-7361( )/FSS-9(V) is provided with provisions for an
excess of 6 months, recharge every 6
auxiliary battery which is connected to TB4 of the power
months. Charging supply shall be a
supply through an auxiliary DC input located on the
constant voltage source set between 30-
exterior of the enclosure.
31 volts, with a charging current not to
exceed 5 amperes per 30 AMP-HR
Power Supply
battery for a 24-hour recharging rate.
The' charging current for the 5 AMP-HR
The POWER ON/OFF switch (S1) controls the ac
batteries shall not exceed 800
primary and the dc emergency input power source to the
milliamperes per battery for the 24-hour
power supply module. The ac input circuit is protected
charging rate. REASON: The average
by a fuse (F2). The 115 V ac input from TB1-1 and -2 is
shelf life of the batteries without
rectified and regulated to +20 V dc and presented at
recharging is 7-9 months. After this
TB3-2, -3 and -4 with respect to TB3-5, -6, and -7.
length of time a majority of the batteries
When the power supply is operating from the emergency
will not take or hold a charge. To
input the 24 V dc is regulated to +20 Vdc and presented
prevent any possibility of losing any
at TB3-2, -3, and -4. The output circuit is protected by a
batteries, the 6-month recharging cycle
fuse (F1). The power supply automatically switches
was established.
internally to the emergency power source when there is
a failure of the primary power source. Circuitry within
Signal Module
the power supply continuously monitors the source of
input power. When the power supply is operating from
The signal module is an integral part of each monitor
the primary power source, 22 V ac is present at TB3-1.
cabinet. Its function is to monitor the ac power in the
If the power supply is operating from the emergency
monitor cabinet and provide an audible and visual alarm
power source, no voltage is seen at TB3-1. The power
when a change in status or operating power or an alarm
supply contains a battery charging circuit that maintains
is presented to the monitor module(s) Whenever there is
the emergency source at a 27.5 V dc unloaded level
a change in status of the monitor cabinet input power the
while the power supply is operating from the primary
visual (DL1 and DL2) and audible (DS1) alarm on the
power source.
signal module are activated.
The signal module
operates on +20 V dc supplied by the monitor cabinet
power supply to TB1-3 of the signal module. Two lamps
(DS1 and DL2) labeled MONITOR AC POWER provides
If for any reason the Monitor Unit is
the visual alarm. A sonalert (DS1) provides the aural
deactivated, steps shall be taken to
prevent the battery from exceeding a 6-
Change 1 6-1
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