![]() TM 5635.262-14/11/NAVELEX 09674669111/TO 31S9-431
the signal module. An audible alarm occurs when a low
alarm. A LAMP TEST/ACKNOWLEDGE switch (S1) is
(0 to 1 V dc) is presented at TB1-1 from J1-14 (typical
used to check the operation of the indicator lamps and to
for J1 through J25). If a high (4 to 5 V dc) is present no
acknowledge a change in status of the monitor cabinet
alarm is sounded. This voltage is provided by the
input power. When an AC FAIL signal is sensed (0 V ac
monitor modules and indicates that an intrusion or
at TB 1-2) after having sensed an AC ON condition'(22
tamper alarm is being presented to the monitor
V ac (moninal) at TB 1-2), the MONITOR AC POWER
lamps will flash ON and OFF, and an audible alarm will
sound. When this condition is acknowledged by placing
Interconnecting Cable Assembly
S1 in the ACKNOWLEDGE position momentarily, the
lamps will turn off (steady), and the audible alarm will be
silenced. If ac power is restored to the monitor cabinet,
The monitor cabinet provides interconnection of the
the lamps will flash on and off and the audible alarm will
various J-SIIDS components with the monitor module.
sound continuously until S1 is placed in the
An interconnecting cable assembly within the monitor
ACKNOWLEDGE position momentari- ly. At this time
cabinet performs this function. Figures 6-1, FO-1, and
the lamps will light (steady) and the audible alarm will be
silenced. If a momentary (less than 3 seconds) ac
barriers and monitor module(s) connectors(s).
power failure occurs there will be no change in status of
Change 1 6-2
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