![]() The processor has four predrilled mounting holes and
maintain the color dot relationship
the two conduit hole locations are marked and identified
between the transducers an(l the plastic
by a center punched indent on the top outer side. Each
transceiver has six mounting hole locations, two are
marked and identified by center punched indents on
(1) Remove and retain the four 4 x inch
each mounting plane (only two of the six mounting holes
long sheet metal screws fastening the cover to the
will be drilled).
Each transceiver is marked and
identified by center punched indents for two conduit
Remove the receive and transmit
entrance holes at each end of the enclosure. No more
transducers (blue and red respectively) leads from the
than two conduit entrance holes will be used. When two
pc board.
are required they must be at the same end of the
(3) Remove the black chassis ground lead
enclosure and the conduit entry must be adjacent to the
from the pc board.
transmit transducer. Not all enclosures will require two
(4) Remove and retain three 4 x inch
conduit entrance holes; this depends on the connection
long sheet metal screws fastening the pc board to the
method (fig. 2-3). Determine which enclosures require
transducer plastic supports. Remove pc board.
two conduit entrance holes and those that require only
(5) Remove and retain eight 4 x inch
one conduit entrance and which one of the two marked
long sheet metal screws fastening two plastic transducer
holes are to be used.
supports to the enclosure. Each support is fastened to
the enclosure with two screws through the back of the
enclosure and two screws (one on each side) through
the processor enclosure, temporarily remove the printed
the sides of the enclosure.
circuit board to prevent accidental damage to it. Do not
reinstall the printed circuit board until the enclosure is
permanently secured to the mounting surfaces, all the
conduit is permanently attached to the enclosures, and
Do not remove leads from the
the cables have been run through the conduit.
transducers. The lead length and the
(1) Remove and retain the two 6-32 x 3/8
painted color dots are the identifying
inch long screws fastening the cover to the enclosure
features of the receive and transmit
transducers. Do not apply any pressure
(2) Remove and retain the seven 6-32 x 3/8
to the transducer face.
inch long screws fastening the pc board to the enclosure
interior (fig. C-1).
Using a 9/32 inch drill, drill two
(3) Using a number 18 drill, drill one or two
mounting holes through the appropriate mounting
(as determined by the interconnection configuration)
surface (20 45 or 90 plane) of the enclosure at the
pilot holes through the enclosure at the centerpunched
centerpunched locations and one or two (as determined
conduit entrance locations.
by the interconnection configuration) pilot holes through
(4) Using a 3/8 inch diameter drill, enlarge
the enclosure at the centerpuncher conduit entrance
the pilot hole(s) at the conduit entrance locations.
locations. If two conduit entrances are required, both
(5) Using a 7/8 inch hole punch enlarge the
must be at the same end of the enclosure.
3/8 inch diameter hole. To facilitate the hole punch
(7) Using a 3/8 inch diameter drill, enlarge
operation, lubricate the drive screw threads and the
the pilot hole(s) at the conduit entrance locations.
screw/die bearing surfaces.
(8) Using a 7/8 inch hole punch enlarge the
(6) Deburr all the holes and remove all
3/8 inch diameter hole. To facilitate the hole punch
metal chips from the enclosure interior.
operation, lubricate the drive screw threads and the
screw/die bearing surfaces.
(9) Deburr all the holes and remove all
the transceiver enclosure, temporarily remove the pc
metal chips from the enclosure interior.
board and the two transducers and supports as a unit to
prevent accidental damage to them.
2-15. Mounting Surfaces
Securing the transceivers and processor enclosures to
various types of mounting surfaces such as wood, metal
The receive and transmit transducers
or masonary requires some ingenuity on the part of the
appear identical with the exception of a
installer. Installations are not limited to the various
blue dot on the receive transducer and
suggested methods of approach that follow.
its associated plastic support and a
white dot on the transmit transducer
This type of mounting material
and its associated plastic support A
presents the least difficulty. Position the enclosure in
second difference is in the length of
place, considering adjacent approaches for ease in
connector leads between the transducer
interconnections. Using the enclosure mounting holes
and the pc board. The lead attaching to
as a template, mark the mounting surface. Remove the
the receive transducer is 3 inches long
enclosure and drill two or four pilot holes (smaller than
and the lead attaching to the transmit
the number 12 wood screws) in the mounting material.
transducer is 8 inches long. Always
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