![]() cable as shown in figure FO-1. Connect all shields of
Walking in and out of the area perimeter should activate
the receive signal leads together and secure to terminal
and de-activate the alarm circuit (audible alarm). The
4 of TB2 in the processor and terminal 4 of TB1 in the
motion sensor has excellent response to low velocities,
consequently there is no need to walk rapidly; one foot
(c) Run a single number 22 wire from
per second is quite adequate.
terminal 9 of TB1 and TB2 of the processor to terminal 9
(4) Reduce the RANGE control setting one
of TB 1 of all the transceivers to insure a chassis ground
number at a time and repeat the walk test until the range
between all enclosures.
begins to drop off. The final setting of the RANGE
control is at the lowest acceptable level.
interconnections of the Processor/transceiver ultrasonic
motion signal for final evaluation of the transceiver
locations, it is not necessary to connect the series loop
tamper circuit.
If the walk test proves inadequate
Connect the multimeter
(AN/USM-210) to the REFERENCE and NOISE test
transceiver is moved to a different
points in the processor as shown in figure 24.
location to improve the coverage, the
(3) Perform the steps in paragraph 2-11 to
noise test (step (2) above) must be
evaluate the entire proposed equipment adequacy
repeated prior to the walk test.
taking into consideration the following conditions:
(a) All transceiver RANGE controls are set
(5) Interconnect the test setup as follows:
per conditions listed in table 2-2.
(a) Remove the power from the
All transceivers are activated and
detection area coverage from adjacent units may over
(b) Disconnect the multimeter lead
from the NOISE test point and reconnect it to the
BALANCE test point.
(c) Set the multimeter to read D.C.
and the range selector switch to 10 V.
When restricting the RANGE control
(d) Reapply power to the processor.
settings (para. 2-11c (4)), insure that the
(6) Fluctuations should not be more than
appropriate transceiver RANGE control
0.3 V in either direction of the mean level when there is
is selected for lowering.
no human motion in the area and the turbulence
generating equipment which will be operating during the
(c) Although the noise level pickup
protected period is operating. In addition, check that
from each transceiver will be random, simultaneous
telephone bells, paging systems and other occasional
noise pulse s from each transceiver are additive in the
noise makers do not drive this voltage fluctuation of by
processor and a slightly higher noise level may be
more than 0.4 V. The alarm threshold is at 0.8 V. If
noticed on the multimeter indication. When the noise
fluctuations from these sources are excessive, they
level exceeds the prescribed limit, investigation of the
must be reduced by detuning the noise sources,
cause is in order and possible relocation of one or more
changing air movements, or moving the transceivers.
questionable transceivers may be necessary.
(7) After the individual transceiver locations
(4) Upon satisfactory results, the processor
have passed the initial noise and walk test the entire
and transceivers are ready for permanent installation.
combined configuration must be checked.
Remove power from the test setup and disconnect the
Processor/Transceiver Ultrasonic Motion
test setup and the temporary interconnections from all
Signal Test. Following the individual test of each
transceiver location (independent of other transceiver
locations) a combined test of all transceivers,
2-13. Enclosure Installation
temporarily interconnected, must be performed.
Upon completion of the location test and preliminary
This test loads the processor transmitter circuits to the
control adjustment, the transceivers and the processor
operating level for evaluation of the coverage and
may be permanently secured in place. The material of
interaction between transceivers.
the mounting structure (wood, metal or masonry) will
(1) Locate the test setup (fig. 24) at the
dictate the fastening hardware used.
proposed site of the processor permanent position.
(2) Temporarily interconnect all transceivers
2-14. Processor and Transceiver Preparation
to the processor in the test setup. Careful consideration
of the temporary wire run lengths in regard to the
The conduit connection entrance holes in the processor
proposed permanent wire run routing will allow reuse of
and the transceiver as well as the appropriate mounting
the same wire during permanent interconnections.
holes in the transceiver (fig. 1-1) must be drilled to suit
(a) Connect all the transmit signal
leads in parallel using number 22 twisted pair cable as
shown in figure FO-1 (located at rear of manual).
(b) Connect all the receiver signal
leads in parallel using a single run of RG-58/U coaxial
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