(2) If desirable to remove cable reel drums , see
TM 5-6120-250-12.
(3) Disconnect the low voltage section from the
transformer per paragraph 2-l 7 b.
b. Circuit Breakers or Compartment.
(1) If low voltage section has circuit breakers
installed, check that they are in the fully racked to the "IN"
position and tripped open.
(2) If circuit breakers are to be removed, see
(3) When moving low voltage section with
circuit breakers remove, the drawout tray should be
restrained in the "IN" position by inserting two 3/8 bolts
through the breaker mounting holes until the bottom
against the floor of breaker
c. Lifting Low, Voltage Section (fig. 2-151)
(1) Loosen and remove the 8 bolts, nuts,
washers and 4 clamps that secure the low voltage section
to trailer bed 14 bolts, nuts, washers and 2 clamps per
(2) Inspect and make sure all panels and doors
are closed and secured.
(3) Lifting lugs are provided on each corner of
Figure 2-14. Recommended lifting of transformer.
the base for lifting complete section. Lift the low voltage
section by means of these lifting lugs. Use cables with
Transformer Installation
hooks and / or clevises, and a timber spacer along each-
side near the top and cable spreader heads across- the
front and rear. The spacer and cable spreader heads
(1) High voltage and low voltage sections must
keep the Cables from crushing or denting the top of
be moved away front area where transformer is to be
cabinet besides providing a more vertical lift on the lifting
mounted. Normally this will have been done when
lugs. The cable and lifting device must be capable of
transformer was removed. If not, see paragraph 2-19d
for low voltage section and paragraph 2-13 c for high
d. Moving Low Voltage Section without Hoist.
voltage section.
(1) Items needed fig. 2-15).
(2) Clear
trailer deck
of all unnecessary
(a) Four short slings with a loop on each
(3) Attach slings and
lift transformer per
(b) Four short bars about six inches long,
with a diameter which will permit them to fit through
(4) With hoist move transformer and lower it
holes in lifting lug holes on cabinet base.
into its position on trailer bed. The side with the gauges
Four lifting jacks capable of lifting
should face the operator's side. This puts the three
7700 lbs.
insulator connections of transformer towards the front of
(d) Two
the trailer and the four bus connections towards the rear
approximately 5 feet long and capable of lifting or
of the trailer.
supporting 7700 lbs.
(5) When transformer is on trailer deck remove
(e) Five construction roller bars 5 feet
lifting slings and hoist away from transformer.
long and all the same diameter.
(6) Insert the 8 bolts with washers and tighten
(2) Disconnect low voltage section per paragraph
the nuts hand tight.
2-1 7 b.
b. Connect to High Voltage Section. Move and
(3) Loosen and remove the 8 bolts, nuts, washers
connect high voltage section per paragraph 2-16.
and 4 clamps that secure the low voltage section to trailer
c. Connect to Low Voltage Section. Move and
bed 14 bolts, nuts, washers and 2 (clamps per side).
connect low voltage section per paragraph 2-20.
(4) Insert a six-inch long bar through hole of each
2-19. Low Voltage Section Removal
lifting lug. each end should protrude an approximately
a. Disconnect
equal distance from lug.
(5) Place the loop) of one end of a short sling around
(1) Clear deck of trailer of all unnecessary
one end of rod in lifting lug, and the other end loop around
the other end of rod on opposite
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