![]() 4-27. Bearing Block
(3) With grease hole placed so that when
a. If shaft is straight but bearing is rough when
bearing is rotated it will line tip with and under grease
rotating, grease bearing through grease fitting with
fitting. Rotate bearing into bearing housing.
general purpose bearing grease.
(4) Check ends of reel shaft and remove all
b. After applying grease to the bearing and it still is
burrs and lightly lubricate shaft.
rough or hard to turn, replace bearing in hearing block.
(5) Slide bearing and housing onto shaft.
See following paragraph 4-28 cable reel dismantling.
Cable Reel Dismantling
The smaller eccentric diameter of
Replacement (fig. 4-3)
bearing inner rach is always on
the outside when mounted in
It is easier to dismantle reel with
(6) Locate bearings housing on the reel
the cable removed from the drum.
stanchions. This step is done with the drum mounted
a. Remove the two nuts and bolts fastening each
and its roll pin in place on the reel shaft.)
bearing block on both ends of shaft to the stanchion.
(7) When bearing housing is located on
b. Remove reel and shaft assembly from the
stanchion and drum turns true, secure each bearing
housing with its two bolts and nuts.
c. Loosen the hex head screw in the split locking
(8) Slide the bearing locking collar onto shaft
ring and remove ring from shaft.
with the eccentric counterbore towards the bearings.
d. Loosen the hex head set screw in the locking
(9) Rotate the locking collar on the eccentric
ring of the bearing block, remove ring from shaft.
diameter of bearing until the collar engages bearing and
e. The bearing block now slides off the end of the
shaft positively.
shaft. Make sure that there are no burrs on shaft to
(10) Retighten hex socket head set screw of
damage inner race of bearing.
locking collar onto shaft.
f. To remove self-aligning bearing from housing,
(11) On the inside end of shaft (middle of
rotate bearing until it is 90to hole in housing and slide
trailer bed) slide the split locking collar on shaft until it
it out the notches of the housing. The grease hole in
touches bearing locking ring.
outer race must line up with grease fitting in housing.
otherwise it can not be lubricated.
(12) Tighten hex socket head screw of split
locking ring until ring is tight on shaft.
g. Replacing or installing a self-aligning bearing
and bearing housing.
h. To remove drum from reel shaft the bearing
housing must be removed from shaft end. With bearing
(1) Note where the grease hole is in outer
housing removed, knock out the roll pin fastening the
race of bearing.
drum shaft to the reel shaft and slide drum off of reel
(2) With the bearing flat 90to the hole in the
housing. Slide bearing into the housing hole using the
i. Re-assemble cable reel in reverse order.
4-29. Storage Cabinets
4-30. Platform
a. Keep all sides, top and trays free from bends or
a. Keep platform of trailer free of dirt. grease and
other foreign matter.
b. Keep hinges aligned and working free.
b. Keep all hold down clamps, bars, lugs and bolts
in working order. Repair or replace as needed.
c. Plug all holes in sides and top.
c. Keep rubber mat free from oil and grease and
d. Clean and keep surfaces free from oil and dirt.
secured to the platform.
e. Repaint surfaces that have been repaired,
d. Repair all dents, digs, chips or badly weathered
dented, chipped or badly weathered.
spots by cleaning, straightening and painting.
f. To remove a storage cabinet, empty it of all its
contents. Loosen the four 5/8 inch bolts and nuts in the
4-31. Handrails
bottom and remove them. Lift storage cabinet from
a. Straighten or replace all bent posts.
trailer bed.
b. Replace all posts that are badly cracked or split
g. Install a storage cabinet in reverse order of f.
at end.
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