![]() rope with a light load, the
c. Clean and repaint where needed.
d. Replace broken hook eyes in post and chain
themselves to the conditions they
snaps on chain.
will encounter with heavier loads,
also the rope lay, core, wires and
e. Keep chain intact, replace when needed.
strands into a more efficient cross
A proper breaking-in
4-32. Lifting Slings
period will pay off in longer, safer
rope life
a. Inspect wire rope of slings for doglegs and
4-33. (Cable Spreader Heads
kinks. crushed or bruised, popped core, high strands,
broken cut or sheared wires, excessive abrasion and
a. Inspect spreader bar for cracks and bends,
insure the weld joints are intact.
b. Inspect the swaged sleeves on thimble splices
and insure that the swaged open socket joints are tight
b. Repair welds if possible, clean and repaint
and intact.
where badly dug or scratched.
c. Inspect hooks, sling links, for defects and rust.
c. If spreader is bent a closer inspection may be
Inspect open socket, its pin and cotter pin retainer for
needed to determine why and if it should be replaced.
defects or rust.
4-34. Access Ladder
d. Clean all rust and corrosion and accumulated
foreign matter from wire rope fittings.
a. Inspect ladder for broken, missing or loose
e. lubricate slings, (in the field an external
steps. Also twisted and/or bent side rails and hand rail,
application is better than none), the lubricant must
platform and pivot.
penetrate to the inside of rope to get coverage the
strands and core. Apply preheated lubricant to cable
b. Straighten bent members
and wipe off excess lubricant with rag.
Tighten steps and hand rail if loose.
f. Store slings that are not in use. Do not let them
c. If impossible to tighten or straighten steps, etc.,
lie around; they may be damaged between uses.
replace ladder.
g. Replace slings or rings when they are damaged.
4-35. Ground Rods and Cable
Never use a kinked sling. Smooth it out.
a. Clean all oil, grease and foreign matter from
rods and cable.
A new wire rope should have a
short breaking-in period before it
b. Straighten rods if bent.
is put into full operation Run the
4-36. Low and High Voltage Splice Kits
Make sure that there are the correct number of each kit
and each kit is complete.
Do not completely remove lug
c. Jack tip trailer until tire clears the ground.
nuts off of wheel studs until
d. Standing to one side of wheel being removed
wheel spacer is free of wheels. It
never directly in front of hit wheel rim with mallet until
is normally under compression
the wheel spacer springs free of wheels and the
between wheels.
compression of the wheel spacer is relieved.
4-37. Wheel
To remove wheel (fig. 4-4).
e. Remove all lug nuts and lugs.
a. Loosen both lug nuts on each of the three
f. Remove wheel, wheel spacer if inner wheel is to
Wheel lugs until the outer edge of the nut is flush with
be removed.
end of the wheel stud. (The nut threads are fully
engaged on stud).
g. Reinstall wheels in reverse order.
b. Block the wheels on opposite side.
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