![]() TM 5-5430-209-12
(3) As the pole is raised, attach block and tackle
(10) Raise and install a 2-by 12-inch by 12-foot
to the head block eye.
long plank on top of the deck support. Lash both ends
(4) Push the bottom of the pole clear of the
of the plank to the support. The plank is a temporary
inside face of the bottom flange of top center support
platform for personnel during the installation of the first
(1). Drop the foot spike through bolthole (5, fig. 8-45).
five or six deck sections.
(5) Adjust the adapter so that the pole stands as
(11) Remove timber (6, fig. 8-45) and lower it to
nearly vertical as possible.
the tank bottom.
(6) Place a 4-by 6 inch by 10-foot long timber
(12) Attach remaining braces (2, fig. 8-39) to the
(6) under the girth ring of deck support (1). Lash both
ring (1).
ends of the timber to the ring.
(13) Assemble sufficient lengths of bolt channel
(7) Apply lashing (8) around timber (6) at the
(1, fig. 8-49) to span the radius of the tank. Install about
midpoint of the timber and support (1).
seven braces (6, fig. 8-53) around the tank. Adjust the
(8) Attach guy lines (7) to deck support (1) and
braces so that the distance between the tank wall and
position as shown in figure 8-45. Use the lines to aline
the ring is the same where the braces are attached.
g. Installing the Center Pole Boom.
support (1) over the top of top center support (1, fig. 8-
(1) To install the deck sections, assemble the
(9) Attach a lower tackle block hook to lashing
center pole boom components provided in the storage
(8, fig. 8-45). Raise support (1) until it clears the top of
tank erection outfit.
the top center support. Line deck support (1) over the
(2) Use gin pole (4, fig. 8-45) and install the
top of the top center support with guy lines (7), and
boom (3, fig. 8-52) in the top center support. Remove
lower the deck support to final position on the support
the gin pole and adapters and install the remaining bolts
angles as shown in figure 8-46.
in the flanges.
Figure 8-46. Umbrella-type deck support in place.
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