TM 43-0156
j. Inspection Doors. When specified, one or more inspection or access doors shaT1l be provided. Doors
shall be of the size and in the location specified by the procuring agency and will be used for interim inspection
or servicing of contents. Doors shall be built without cutting the frame members and shall be hinged at the top
and fastened by lag screws at the sides and bottom as shown in figure D-3-13. Cleats and stops shall be made
of 1-inch material. Doors shall be made of the same type and thickness material used for sheathing. Holes
shall be provided through the door and an adjacent frame member for a seal wire and lead seal bearing
inspectors' stamp. When hinges with exposed screws are used, the hinge side of the door shall also be sealed.
Figure D-3-13. Inspection Door (Inside View).
D-3-17/(D-3-18- blank)
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