![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Small lot storage-A quantity of supplies comprising less
Receiving-The receipt of inbound supplies, includes
than one stack.
planning, handling, and document processing
incident thereto.
Spacers-Wooden strips inserted between drafts of
Receiving area-Area used for checking, inspecting, and
lumber to induce sufficient air currents between,
through, and under the stacks to carry off moisture
saturated air.
procurements and returns) prior to its delivery to
storage areas.
Spot-The placing of a truck or freight car in a desired
Rejection-Nonacceptance of material.
location preparatory to loading or unloading.
Springer-A filled can with ends bulged as a result of
Relative Humidity (RH)-The amount of water vapor in
overfilling, insufficient exhausting, or evolution of
the air, expressed as a percentage of the maximum
hydrogen or carbon dioxide gas through bacterial
amount that the air could hold at the given
actions or action of acid contents on metal cans.
(Sometimes referred to as a "sweller.")
Requisition-Authoritative demand or request for supplies
Stack-A quantity of supplies stored vertically, occupying
or services on form(s) authorized for such requests.
approximately one pallet space on floor, utilizing
Retrograde-Any material being returned to a storage
necessary storage aid to assure stability.
activity from the user. This includes, but is not
Standby space-The amount of gross storage space
limited to, material in unserviceable condition.
contained in completely empty structures or in open
Rewarehousing-Relocation of supplies within the same
improved areas which is not required to support the
storage activity.
mission, which has been secured, and which is not
included in vacant storage space.
Scan-Moving a reading device (wand with a fixed or
moving optical beam) across a pattern of bars and
Sticker-A wooden stick or strip placed between boards
spaces that form a bar code.
or plywood sheets stacked in piles to hasten drying
and reduce warping-also called "crosser.".
Security-Protection of supplies against theft, sabotage,
or other malicious acts.
Stock condition code-An alphabetic code to identify
stock in terms of readiness for issue or to delineate
Seasoning-Removing moisture from green wood in
status of material in storage not ready for issue.
order to improve its serviceability.
Stock number-National stock number (NSN)-A 13-
Shed-A nonwarehouse building without complete side
position designator assigned to a specific item of
and end walls.
supply, that is purchased, stocked, or distributed
Shipping-Actions necessary to deliver material to a
within the Federal Government.
carrier for movement to a consignee.
Storage-The keeping or placing or property in a
Shipping area-Area used to assemble material pending
warehouse, shed, or open area, or the state of being
its loading for shipment.
Shipping container-Any suitable exterior container used
Storing-The orderly arranging of supplies in storage.
for shipment of supplies.
Strapping-Metal or nonmetallic materials used, or their
Shipping document-Form used to
application, for the reinforcing or securing of crates,
shipment of Government property.
boxes, bales, or bundles.
Shooks-A bundle or set of tops, bottoms, sides, and
Structural loss-The amount of space not usable for
ends of boxes ready to be put together; a veneer of
storage because of construction features or physical
wood out of which boxes (as wirebound boxes) are
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