![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
held wands or laser guns with fixed or moving
Outgranted space (non-DOD)- The amount of gross
optical beams.
storage space which is not available for the
Portable tank-A closed container having a liquid
reporting activity's operation because it is outleased,
capacity over 60 U.S. gallons and not intended for
licensed, or permitted to private or non-DOD
fixed installation (see 29 CFR 1910.106).
Government agencies for their operations.
Potential storage height-The height to which supplies
Overseas shipment-Supplies consigned to a destination
are capable of being stored in accordance with
proper warehousing practices.
Packaging-The process and procedures used to protect
Potential vacant-Space that is usable but not used and
material from deterioration and/or damage.
can normally be recouped through rewarehousing.
Includes cleaning, drying, preserving, packing,
marking, and unitizing. (See preservation and
Potential vacant space-That portion of occupied net
packing.) Packing-Assembly of items into a unit,
usable space which is temporarily not used for
intermediate or exterior pack with necessary
storage because of space voids in front of stacks of
blocking, bracing, cushioning, weather-proofing,
material (honeycombing) or space voids at the
reinforcement, and marking.
height of stacks which can be made available by
Packing and crating area-Area used for the application
rewarehousing or utilization of maximum heights in
of exterior shipping containers.
Pallet-A low, portable platform of wood, metal, or
including cleaning, drying, preservative materials,
fiberboard to facilitate the act of moving, storing,
barrier materials, cushioning, and containers when
and transporting of supplies as a unit.
Pallet support sets-Intended to form box-type pallets
Preservation area-Area used for preserving, unit/
when assembled onto flat wood pallets to allow for
intermediate packing, and marking of materials.
stacking of pallets containing irregularly shaped
commodities that are susceptible to crushing.
Palletized unit load-Quantity of any item, packaged or
or come in contact with, items to protect them from
unpackaged, arranged on a pallet and securely
environmental conditions during shipment or
fastened thereto, so that the whole is handled as a
Prompt-A command generated by the host computer
Palletizing-The placement and securing,
and transmitted to the portable bar code reader to
necessary, of units or containers on pallets.
direct inventory personnel while performing
Perishable items-Items which require refrigeration during
transportation and storage.
Rack space-Floor
area occupied by racks, box pallets,
Pest control management-A program to prevent or
or pallets with
metal superstructures installed when
minimize losses or building damage caused by
such are used
as permanent storage aids, identified
as a specific
location, and as distinguished from
bulk storage.
Pile-A quantity of material that can be stacked or stored
in a specified area.
Radioactive material-Any material or combination of
materials which spontaneously emits ionizing
Planograph-A scale drawing of a storage area showing
radiation, includes natural elements such as radium
the approved layout.
and accelerator-produced radionuclides.
Pocket rot-Advanced decay which appears in the form
Rail storage space-Trackage allotted for the purpose of
of a hole, pocket, or area of soft rot usually
storing rolling stock.
surrounded by apparently sound wood.
Ramp-An inclined plane serving as a way between
Portable bar code reader- A device used for machine
different levels.
reading of a bar code. Readers may employ hand-
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