![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Occupied net storage space (cu ft)- The product of
the physical handling, storage, and movement of
occupied net square feet multiplied by actual
storage heights or representative storage heights
Medium lot storage-A quantity of supplies, one to three
determined by statistical sampling when applicable.
stacks, stored to a maximum height.
Occupied net storage space (sq ft)- Floor area which is
Metric system-A decimal system of weights and
actually occupied by material plus the entire bin and
measures based on the meter as a unit length and
rack areas minus aisles.
the kilogram as a unit mass. Derived units include
Office space-Space utilized by storage personnel in the
the "liter" for liquid volume, "stere" for solid volume,
and "are" for area.
performance of routine office-type duties. Excludes
office space located in warehouses or other
Metric ton-2,205 pounds or 1,000 kilograms.
buildings not used in support of storage operations.
Mezzanine- Area provided by the construction of an
Open space-Improved or unimproved area designated
intermediate or fractional story between any floor
for use in storing material.
and ceiling of any building used for storage
Open improved space-Area which has been graded and
hard surfaced or prepared with topping of some
Moderate combustibility-Materials and their packaging,
suitable material so as to permit effective materials
both of which will contribute fuel to fire.
handling operations.
Moisture content of wood- Weight of the water contained
Open unimproved space-Area which has not been
in the wood, usually expressed in percentage of the
surfaced but which is actually in use (occupied) for
weight of the oven-dry wood.
storage purposes.
Nailed wood box-A box constructed of wood/ faceboards
Open unimproved wet space-Water area specifically
assembled by fastening the top, sides, and bottom
allotted to and usable for the storage of floating
to the ends with nails or screws or sides to ends with
interlocking mortise and tenon corners.
Organizational clothing and equipment-Common use
Net storage space- That amount of gross space for
clothing and equipment centrally accounted for and
storage operations minus space used for aisles,
temporarily issued to activities, units, and/or
structural loss, and support space.
individuals on a recurring or temporary basis.
Normally managed for, or by, military organizations
Net weight-The weight of the contents, not including the
for operations and exercises.
Original pack-The first pack applied to a specified
Nomenclature-A noun and any necessary modifying
quantity of items.
adjectives required to describe and identify an item
of supply.
Osnaburg-A rough, coarse, durable cotton fabric in plain
weave used for bagging and industrial purposes.
Noncombustibility-Materials and their packaging which
will neither ignite nor support combustion.
Other space-Any area assigned for storage operations
within a structure designed for other than storage
Nonperishable items-Items which do not require
purposes, such as dry tank space, barracks,
refrigeration during transportation and storage.
hangers, transitory shelters, and quonset buildings.
Nonstorage space-Area within gross space which is not
Outgranted space (DOD)- The amount of gross storage
used for storage because of structural loss or
space which is not available for the reporting
designation for other than storage purposes.
activity's operation because it is licensed or
Obligated-Portion of net usable storage area earmarked
permitted to other DOD Components for their
by depot authority for the storage of supplies due in.
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