![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Type II-Average load-The load is composed of more
Supplies-All items necessary for the equipment,
than one item or interior container which gives some
maintenance, and operation of a military command.
support to all faces of the shipping container. The
Support set-A knockdown metal framework consisting of
contents are of moderate density and are relatively
upright side sections, top supporting crossbars, and
sturdy. Some examples are goods in metal cans
one or more bottom tie rods to be affixed to a pallet.
which are not packed in the interior containers,
(See pallet support set.) Tally-in-Itemized list of
bottles individually cushioned, hardware in cartons,
supplies received or process of recording the
number of containers or quantity of material
Type III-Difficult load-The load gives little or no support
to the shipping container. The contents can be
Tally-out-Itemized list of supplies included in an issue or
extremely heavy, very fragile, very irregular in
shipment or process of recording the number of
shape, bulk materials which are free to shift and
containers or quantity of material issued or shipped.
flow, or a combination of several of these factors.
Some examples are rivets, bolts and nuts, delicate
Tank storage-See dry tank.
instruments, machined parts, assemblies, etc.
Tarpaulin-Canvas or other materials usually treated to
Unheated space-Area
resist moisture and chemicals; used as a protective
Unit of issue-Designation of the item unit (e.g., as each,
Temperature controlled space-Space in which the
number, dozen, gallon, pair, pound, ream, set,
temperature can be controlled within specific limits.
Tier-A horizontal layer of a column, row, or stack.
Unit pack-The first tie, wrap, or container applied to a
Tonne-Metric ton (British).
single item or quantity unit thereof, or to a group of
items of a single stock number, preserved or
Total cubic feet-The product of net storage space (sq ft)
unpreserved, which constitutes a complete or
multiplied by the unobstructed stacking height
identifiable package.
permitted by safety regulations/restrictions in a
particular storage area.
Unobstructed stacking height-The distance between the
floor and the lowermost point of overhead
Transitory shelter-A prefabricated sectional, metal
obstructions (e.g., sprinkler heads, joists, rafters,
structure (normally with complete sides and ends
beams, roof trusses, lighting fixtures, duct work,
but without utilities) classified as a storage aid rather
etc.) less safety clearances.
than a real property facility. When used for storage,
it is reported as "other nonwarehouse space."
Unusable space-The amount of gross storage space so
Transportation-Media for the movement of
deteriorated that it fails to provide a sufficiently
personnel and material.
protective environment for the storage of material,
space that is unsafe for storage operations or its use
Type of loads-Type of loads as relating to stackability of
would be in violation with established regulating
criteria, and/ or space that is restricted from use due
Type I-Easy load-The load is single item or single
to inadequate physical security protection.
interior container which provides complete and
Up load-The transmission of data from the portable bar
uniform support to all faces of the shipping
code reader to the host computer.
container. The contents are of moderate density
and relatively sturdy. Some examples are wood or
Utilities-Facilities constructed for the service of the
metal chests, tool kits, and canned/boxed items
depot such as boiler rooms, power plants, etc.
packed in a fiberboard box which completely fills the
V-board-Weather-resistant fiberboards of various grades
shipping container.
and types.
Vacant net space-Usable space which is not occupied
by material, storage bins, or racks.
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