![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Deck boards-Top or bottom surface of a pallet.
Controlled humidity (CH) warehouse space-Space which
has been especially prepared for and equipped with
equipment for control of humidity.
Cooper-To cover holes and cracks from the inside (e.g.,
Degreasing-Solvent cleaning by dipping, using hot
freight cars, bags, containers, etc.) to prevent
leakage of bulk grain.
Demurrage-An assessment against the shipper or
Corner marker-A conspicuous marker placed at aisle
consignee for the detention of common carrier
intersections as a caution to personnel to prevent
equipment beyond the period of free time allowed
bumping stacks or other fixed objects.
for loading or unloading.
Direction of storage-A method used to gain maximum
usually as a result of galvanic acid, alkaline action,
storage space and various aisle arrangements to
or oxidation of metals.
provide flexibility for storage operations.
Corrosion preventive-Any agent such as oil, plastic,
Desiccant-A material which will absorb moisture by
paint, wrap, or other surface treatment of metals
physical or chemical means.
whose primary function is to prevent, inhibit, or
deter corrosion.
usefulness. Includes damage caused by erosion,
Corrosion preventive compound-A compound applied to
oxidation, corrosion, or contamination.
metal surfaces to prevent, inhibit, or deter rust or
The term is usually applied to
Down load-The transmission of data and commands
compounds which can be removed by water or
from the host computer to the portable bar code
solvent cleaners in order to distinguish compound
from paint films.
Draft of lumber-Lumber arranged and stacked in a
Covered space-Area within any roofed structure.
bundle so as to facilitate shipment, storage, and
Crate-A rigid shipping container constructed of structural
members fastened together to hold and protect the
Drawbar pull-The pulling power exerted at the drawbar
contents. It may be sheathed or unsheathed.
(as by a locomotive or tractor).
Critical item-Essential item which is in short supply or
Drum-Metal container for liquids, usually preceded by
expected to be in short supply for an extended
the quantity (e.g., 5-gal drum, 55gal drum).
period. (Not to be confused with "critical application
Dry tank space-Area in tanks designed for the storage of
item" which is defined as an item essential to
supplies other than bulk liquids or gases.
preservation of life in emergencies.) Cross aisle-A
passageway at right angles to main aisles used for
Dry rot-A term loosely applied in many types of decay
the movement of supplies, equipment, and
but especially to that which, when in an advanced
stage, permits the wood to be easily crushed to a
dry powder. The term is actually a misnomer for
Cross stacking-The placing of one layer of containers at
any decay, since all fungi require considerable
right angles to those just below to increase the
moisture for growth.
stability of the stack.
Dunnage-Any material (e.g., boards, planks, blocks,
Cross tie-Cross layers of supplies as in cross stacking,
pneumatic pillows, etc.) used to support or secure
except that only an occasional layer is crossed and
supplies in storage or while in transit.
not every other one.
End item-A final combination of a product, component
Cube-The product of length by width by depth.
part, and/or material which is ready for its intended
action of wood-destroying fungi.
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