![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Chemical brown stain-A discoloration of wood that
Box car-A fully enclosed freight car having doors on
sometimes occurs during the air or kiln drying,
both sides and/or sometimes on the ends. Used for
apparently caused by the oxidation of extractives.
general freight services.
Chill space-Refrigerated warehouse area in which the
Box pallet-A pallet with framework on the back and
temperature can be controlled between 32 . and
sides. This storage aid is designed so that several
50 . (0 . and 10 ).
may be stacked and the weight is supported by the
framework rather than the supplies.
Chute-Usually an inclined trough (sometimes a tube)
Box shop-Area used for fabricating, manufacturing,
used to convey supplies from an upper to a lower
assembling, or repairing containers and storage
Classified material-Any product, substance, or media on,
Bridge plate-Plate, usually of metal, used to span the
or in which classified information as defined in DOD
5200.1-R, information security program regulation,
space between freight cars or trucks and the loading
is embodied or from which such information can be
Brown stain-A rich brown to deep chocolate brown
Cleated-plywood box-A rigid container constructed by
discoloration of the sapwood in some pines caused
joining six panel faces which are made of plywood,
by a fungus that acts similarly to the blue-stain
reinforced with wood edges or intermediate cleats.
Commodity-A specified grouping of items of supply.
Bulk liquid storage space-Space inside tanks designed
for the storage of liquid bulk.
Common carriers-See carrier.
Bulk storage-Storage in warehouses of any large
quantity of supplies usually in original containers or
as the moisture gathered on a cold surface in a
storage of liquids or solids such as coal, lumber,
warm room.
rubber bales, petroleum products, or ores in tanks or
Consolidation station-Place to which less than carload
lots of freight are relayed so that they can be
Bursting strength-The pressure required to rupture a
grouped with other freight to make full carloads for
container when it is tested in a specified instrument
the same delivery point.
under specified conditions.
Container-A receptacle such as a bag, barrel, drum,
Butt boards-Boards arranged at an angle on a sorting
box, crate or package used to hold and to protect
platform to facilitate the formation of lumber drafts
contents. (See also the definition of container,
with uniform faces.
Standardization (ISO).)
Caged storage-Storage space segregated within a
building and specially screened or barricaded to
prevent pilferage or to isolate hazardous materials.
conveyance which confines and protects the cargo
from loss or damage, can be handled in transit as a
Care of supplies in storage (COSIS)-A program whereby
unit, can be mounted and secured in or on marine,
supplies and equipment in storage are preserved in
rail, or highway equipment and which meets the
a serviceable condition through inspection and
standards of ISO. Common types of containers are:
action taken to correct any forms of deterioration
weatherproof, dry enclosed, refrigerated, van,
and to restore the supplies to ready-for-use
tank, nonweatherproof, open tops, car carrier, and
flat rack.
Carrier-A commercial transportation media providing
railroad cars, motor trucks, ships, airplanes, or other
element, compound, or part, which has an adverse
conveyances for transporting supplies.
effect on the material.
Check-A lengthwide separation of wood, the greater part
of which occurs across the rings of annual growth.
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