Uniform terminology is basic to uniform operating procedures.
Battery charger-An electrical device used for recharging
Following is a glossary of words and terms making up
the language of storage and materials handling for
batteries that operate equipment.
operating personnel:
Bay-Designated area within a section of a warehouse or
Advanced decay-The stage of decay in which the
depot shop, usually outlined or bounded by posts,
disintegration is readily recognized because the
pillars, columns, or painted lines.
wood has become punky, soft and spongy, stringy,
Bill of lading-A document used to procure freight and
pitted, or crumbly.
cargo transportation, and related services, from
Air-dried or air-seasoned-Dried by exposure to the air,
commercial carriers for the movement of material.
usually in a yard, without artificial heat.
Bin area-An area for the storage of supply items which
Airshipment-Transportation by air either CONUS or
are binnable.
Binder-Any material such as burlap, heavy paperboard,
Aisle-Any passageway within a storage area.
or thin lumber placed between layers of stock to
stabilize stacks.
Allocated space-A definite number of net square feet of
Bin storage space-Area in which bins have been
a specified type of storage space formally
apportioned for use.
erected, including the aisles and working space
between bins.
Assembly-Area used for collecting and combining
Blitz can-The standard U.S. Government issue 5gallon
material components.
container used especially to transport water or
Assignment of space-Designation of specific space
gasoline. (Sometimes referred to as a "jerry can.")
within the installation for storage purposes.
Block-Self-supporting regular stack of supplies, two
or more units wide, two or more deep, and two or
Attainable cubic feet-The product of net storage space
more high.
A block may be rectangular or
(sq ft) multiplied by the stacking height(s) permitted
by safety regulations/restrictions and floor load
limitations with available materials handling
Block storing-Storage of similar containers or material in
equipment (MHE) and storage aids.
a block.
Attainable storage height-The height permitted by safety
Blue stain-A bluish or grayish discoloration of the
regulations/restriction and floor load limitations with
sapwood caused by the growth of certain mold like
available MHE and storage aids.
fungi on the surface and in the interior; made
possible by the same conditions that favor the
Backlog-An accumulation of incompleted work.
growth of other fungi.
Bale-Articles or materials compressed in a shaped unit
Bolster-Block of hardwood supporting drafts of lumber
and usually bound with cord or metal ties under
and used when transporting the drafts by means of
tension. May be wrapped in paper, thin veneer
truck straddle carriers.
wood, textile material, or combinations thereof.
Box-A rigid container having closed faces, usually
Bar code-An array of rectangular marks and spaces in a
constructed of wood, metal, paperboard, fiberboard,
predetermined pattern depicting machine language
plywood, plastic, or a combination of such materials.
information which can be numeric, alpha, or
Strength and stability is dependent upon the
material of the faces and the fastening of faces in
Bare item-An item that has had all packaging materials
assembling the box.
removed to allow for functional inspections.
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