![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Gross weight-The weight of the container plus its
Fire aisle-A passageway established to aid in fighting or
preventing the spread of fire or for access to fire
fighting equipment.
Hazardous commodities-A commodity consisting of a
Fiberboard box-A three-dimensional shipping container
material which, because of its quantity,
concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious
made either of solid or corrugated fiberboard.
characteristics, may either cause, or significantly
Distinguished from a carton which is not designed
contribute to, an increase in mortality or an increase
as an outer shipping container.
in serious, irreversible, or incapacitating reversible
Floor load-Weight that can safely be supported by a
illness; or pose a substantial present or potential
floor, expressed in pounds per square foot of floor
hazard to human health or the environment when
improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of,
or otherwise managed.
Floor plan-A scale drawing of the floor area of a building
showing columns, stair wells, elevator shafts,
offices, washrooms, doors, and other structural
compartmentalized facility for the storage of
hazardous and/or flammable materials, excluding
Fogging-Application of chemical compound, in the form
of vapor, to interior surfaces or relatively
inaccessible surfaces.
Heartwood-The hard wood at the core of a tree trunk.
Fragile-Delicate, weak, and easily damaged.
Honeycombing-The storing or withdrawing of supplies in
a manner which results in vacant space that is not
Freeze space- Refrigerated warehouse area where
usable for storage of other items.
temperatures can be controlled below a level of 32
. (0 .).
Humidity-Moisture in the air.
Freight-All material, products, or commodities, express
Humping-The switch of railroad car(s) in classification
and mail, shipped by rail, water, highway, or air.
yards where the car(s) are pushed over a mound
(hump) and the slope of the hump used to supply
Fungus-A germ-like parasite which flourishes on organic
the motivation power for switching the car(s) onto
material in a humid atmosphere at moderate and
the desired track(s). The "hump" track may or may
high temperatures.
not be equipped with car retarders.
Igloo space-Area in an earth-covered structure of
Grain thief-Device consisting chiefly of a long tube used
concrete and/or steel designed for the storage of
for taking grain samples from various depths in a
ammunition, explosives, and/or loaded ammunition
load of grain.
Gross space for storage operations -That amount of
Incipient decay-The early stage of decay in which the
gross storage space plus ingranted space minus
disintegration has not proceeded far enough to
unusable space, standby space, and outgranted
soften or otherwise perceptibly impair the hardness
of the wood.
Gross space used in support of storage operations- That
Inert space-Space in a warehouse-type structure
area used for preserving and packaging,
dedicated for the storage of nonexplosive
assembling, packing and crating, container
ammunition or ammunition components.
manufacturing, receiving, shipping, inspecting and
Ingranted space- That amount of gross storage space
identifying, administrative storage offices, rest
operated which is leased, licensed, or permitted
areas, tool rooms, battery charging stations, and
from one of the DOD Components.
other similar support areas.
Inspection-Examination and testing of supplies and
Gross storage space -Gross area, regardless of its
services (including, where appropriate, raw
location or the purpose for which the space was
designed or designated, which is assigned or used
for any operation concerning storage or the support
of storage functions.
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