![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
equipment needed to perform no more than 75 percent
is the availability of a standard telephone to accomplish
of the average work load. All other labor and equipment
the computer to terminal link.
can be assigned to a Central Labor and Equipment Pool
(4) While most of the storage applications
from which they may be dispatched, as required, to
program will require special purpose software, there
those components of the storage activity confronted with
exists an extensive variety of "canned" programs
peak or heavy work requirements exceeding the
available in the industry at minimal or no cost to the
capabilities of permanently assigned minimum work
Government. Frequently, these simulation type models
can be employed in the decision-making processes
where before only best guesses were possible.
(a) The pooling and assignment of
manpower and equipment, according to priority
(5) One area in the field of ADP storage
workload, proves successful only when such assignment
where substantial savings are possible, and therefore of
is conducted on an absolutely impartial basis.
obvious concern to the storage manager, is the
Personnel and equipment pools must be operated for
generation of source data.
Older methods of
the benefit of all elements concerned, based purely on
handscribing with subsequent keypunch card generation
needs generated by work load or the purpose of the
are giving way to original preparation of information in a
Labor and Equipment Pool will be defeated. For this
machine-readable form. At the present time bar codes
reason, organizational placement of the Labor and
and optical character readers are playing an ever
Equipment Pool should be given careful consideration.
increasing role in source data automation.
This can best be accomplished when such assignments
(6) The use of standard terms, symbols,
are directed by a Production Planning and Control
documents, etc., will provide a level of uniformity and
This will assure maximum utilization of
compatibility and permit operation of systems designed
facilities and manpower by the application of work
at one activity to function at multiple locations. All
measurement standards (where feasible) in the
information requirements, internal and external, should
planning, scheduling, and controlling of workload and
be derived from common use data to the maximum
manpower distribution.
extent feasible.
(b) Notwithstanding
management and distribution of men and equipment
8-2. Manpower and Equipment.
based on work standards, instances often arise in actual
floor situations where the workload increases in several
a. Manpower. Manpower is one of the primary
areas of an activity simultaneously and the combined
resources of a supply installation. It is also the greatest
labor requirement exceeds the capabilities of the forces
item of expense. As such, it must be properly utilized,
available. When this occurs, a decision as to equitable
assigned, and directed.
Economical and proper
use of available pooled resources should be made by
personnel/labor assignment depends on thorough
the chief of each activity involved, with prime
consideration given to the higher priority workloads.
assignments. General personnel labor problems should
When this management effort is not sufficient to cope
be openly discussed among staff members and heads of
with the volume of priority workload in a given operation
component units of the activity. By this means, every
or function, the decision on realignment of priorities
individual performing management duties will be fully
should move up the echelons of management/command
informed of the overall labor situation and made aware
to the necessary level.
of his own responsibilities toward the efficient
(c) Separately trained elements may be
employment of the forces assigned to them.
developed in the pool so long as flexibility is not
b. Labor and equipment pools.
impaired. Personnel and squads should be assigned to
(1) This section is not applicable to
like jobs whenever possible (i.e., warehousing, shipping,
ammunition operations.
receiving, etc.). Over-specialization should be avoided
(2) Labor.
Operational requirements in
since it defeats the purpose of a labor pool.
warehouses or other component elements of depots and
(d) Effective management of pooled
other major supply installations can and do vary
resources requires constant consideration of the time
extensively from day to day. In view of this, the
factor involved in any movement of labor and
assignment of laborers and equipment to subdivisions of
equipment from one assignment to another.
such activities on a permanent basis can become an
Assignments/reassignments should be closely studied
uneconomical practice. Consistent with mission and
organization of the activity, it is more economical to
permanently assign to a unit that amount of laborers and
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