![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
composite, well-balanced operation. One of the chief
d. Planning.
Planning is the deliberate
functions of the storage manager is to coordinate
consideration of a problem or an operation with a view
activities within their area of responsibilities, whether
to determining, in advance, the most effective means of
that area be the installation as a whole or an
accomplishing a desired result with the least expenditure
organizational element of the installation.
of manpower, time, and material.
g. Control. A plan having been developed, its
(1) Planning involves the determination and
execution directed and coordinated, a last and very
visualization of what should be done, where, when, how,
important step is to determine the status of the resulting
why, and by whom it should be done, and how long it
operation during its various stages of accomplishment.
should take (how many man-hours are required (i.e.,
work standard)).
(1) Proper controls permit timely corrective
action if the operation is not being effectively executed
(2) Once a recurring problem or operation
or proves to be defective.
Control founded on
has been defined, a procedure or system should be
comprehensive and accurate information takes the
established for handling the situation. Establishment of
guesswork out of management and forms a sound basis
a system reduces everyday work to routine and the
for decisions and planning. However, reports and charts
recurring problems or operations can be handled by less
do not in themselves provide solutions to management
experienced personnel. Additionally, personnel at the
problems. They merely serve to highlight areas of
top echelon are relieved for the more important work of
deficiency which must then be subjected to further
planning for any new or broader problems and for
planning, direction, and coordination.
directing, controlling, and coordinating the organization's
total effort.
(2) The use of ADP equipment and
techniques to their maximum potential usefulness must
e. Directing. Once a plan has been developed, it
be exploited. The astute manager will be constantly
then becomes necessary to issue appropriate
aware of the possible improvements to the organization
instructions for implementation.
as a result of the modern management techniques
(1) Instructions should be in sufficient detail
made possible by computers.
to assure that the recipient has a clear understanding of
(a) Daily progress or status registers
what, when, and how the job should be done. On the
are easily maintained by computer program.
other hand, except for uniform recurring procedures and
Voluminous printouts, however, are to be avoided. The
methods, which should be reduced to written
manager must be ever mindful of the cost of preparation
documents, the instructions should not be in such
and distribution of ADP reports, hence, reports should
defined detail that the recipient has nothing left to his
be keyed to the exceptional items or out of tolerance
judgment. Too much detail can destroy the initiative of
conditions which warrant immediate attention. Ideas for
the recipient and waste the time of top echelon officials
new or improved reporting techniques as well as
in its preparation.
elimination of those reports which are no longer useful,
(2) The potential of the most effective
contribute to a higher overall effectiveness and
planning or the most productive system in existence can
therefore are actively solicited.
never be reached without motivation of the people
(b) Toward this end, consideration
involved. To be successful, management must operate
should be given to the installation of peripheral
with recognition of abilities and unique desires of
input/output devices in the executive office(s). Several
people. For example, when a person is involved
of the newer high speed terminals such as the cathode
through contribution of ideas and energies to a group
ray tubes or thermal printers are fast and totally silent,
goal, the enthusiasm to give their best runs deep. To be
thereby lending themselves to the office environment.
still more specific, whenever changing to new
In this way, required information is available in the form
procedures or techniques, employees meet goals better
of graphics or text for display on a realtime basis, at a
when those aims take on a personal meaning gained
touch of the finger.
through understanding of the goals and recognition of
their ideas.
(3) Those installations which do not have
extensive central computer facilities should consider the
f Coordination. Two of the more noticeable
availability of time-shared terminals. Many commercial
features of a major military supply installation are
terminals are available on a rental basis with installation
as simple as replacing an office typewriter. The only
Specialization provides experts attention to related but
additional requirement
limited subjects. Specialization also intensifies the need
for coordinating the various specialized activities into a
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