![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Where a training coordinator or staff is employed as a
by the military service. Responsibilities of this position
will relate primarily to:
part of the overall civilian personnel placement and
utilization program, the services and/or knowledge of
a. Determining needs as well as points of
this element should be utilized by the training
weakness in operations and training.
administrator of the storage and materials handling
b. Advising the staff as to whether training can
activity to:
assist in solving specific operating problems as they
a. Instruct trainees in the techniques of presenting
material to others.
c. Obtaining information concerning current
b. Develop methods and devices for measuring
changes which might affect training already in progress.
and testing; and instruct trainees in their use.
c. Utilize existing training materials and adapt
them to the needs of the storage and materials handling
d. Train supervisors in the techniques for analyzing
Coordination should be maintained between the storage
their jobs and the jobs of their subordinate employees.
and materials handling training administrator and other
e. Assist in setting up necessary training records
affected elements of the installation (e.g., the
installation personnel office and management offices).
and schedules.
In this manner, the overall policies and objectives of the
f. Assist in setting up and/or providing necessary
installation can be injected in the specific training
physical facilities for training purposes.
programs of the separate activities or operations being
Section II. Training Program
need not choose between group or individual on-the-job
What Is Storage and Materials Handling
training; both are essential. The purpose of this training
program is to give warehouse supervisors and
understanding of the basic fundamentals and
a. The main reason for having the military storage
management policies of storage operations and
installations is to receive, store, and move military
materials handling.
supplies. The actual operations within the installation
directly related to these activities may be called
7-12. What Is Included in Storage or Warehouse
warehousing and materials handling. Training in this
Operations and Materials Handling Training?
field must cover many specific jobs which require the
use of a great deal of knowledge of warehousing
a. This manual will be considered the textbook for
warehousing and materials handling management
training in these fields. Instructors should ensure that all
students have a working knowledge of the manual and a
detailed knowledge of the portion that affects their
b. Training in warehouse and materials handling
specific jobs.
should be carried on by two methods:
b. The Conference Leader's Guide places
(1) A series of planned conferences in which
emphasis on:
warehouse supervisors, military and civilian, have an
opportunity to think through, step by step, and in a
(1) Proper methods of laying out and
logical and organized way, the many points that go into
allocating space.
making or breaking an efficient operation.
(2) Accepted ways of storing and stacking the
(2) On-the-job training in which specific
many different items handled, so that space can be
operations are taught individually to men and women
utilized to the best advantage.
whose main duty is centered on one or two segments of
(3) Efficient and speedy methods of handling
the whole operation.
materials in order to save manpower, equipment, and
c. Too often all training in warehousing and
time. This is known as "materials handling." (4) The
materials handling has been called "on-the-job" training.
need for training the best qualified employees in the
This may mean anything, from no training at all, training
installation to carry on this program under the direction
given by many different people (who may or may not be
of the storage manager.
in agreement on what they are teaching), or planned,
organized, practical and valid on-the-job training. We
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