![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
7-14. How To Use The Conference Leader's Guide.
(5) Improvement of training already being
done to make sure that each employee is receiving the
fullest benefits from the training being given and, in turn,
a. To aid in the presentation of a training program
to assure that training "pays its way" through increased
in warehousing and materials handling sectionalized
employee productivity.
guide material has been prepared. As many sections as
logical, or as many as time permits, may be covered in
one session. There is no necessity that this outline be
7-13. The Requirements for a Successful Storage
followed word for word; however, its intent and scope
and Materials Handling Training Program.
should be followed very closely, particularly as to the
order of presentation of topics and key points within the
Although the following points do not necessarily
guarantee the success of this training program, they are
fundamental and important:
(1) This presentation has been built along
organized lines, in logical sequence, that can be used
a. Management support. The backing and interest
effectively to give those concerned a thorough
of installation officials, the commander, staff, and all key
knowledge of the "ABCs" of warehousing and materials
personnel of the storage and materials handling function
handling in the shortest possible time. The conference
are essential.
leader by prior knowledge of local problems and groups
b. Working relationships.
of trainees must fit this guide to installation
relationship between the storage operation and other
elements of the installation includes an appreciation of
(2) The established outline should be
each other's responsibility and contribution and a
followed-but not read. There is nothing more deadly to
willingness to pull together to finish the job.
a group than continuous reading. The guide has been
c. Competent leadership. A prime requisite for
designed so that it can be followed with an occasional
competent leadership is the qualification of personnel to
The discussion should be kept running
conduct training effectively and is the key to the success
smoothly. In this outline are included: key ideas and
of the storage and materials handling program. Such
questions, suggestions for group discussion, suggestions
leaders may be chosen from either of the following two
for illustration, and group answers to key questions.
b. Key points or questions are preceded by a
(1) From any point within the installation an
hyphen and are included in quotation marks. Important
individual with teaching background and experience who
words therein are capitalized. These key points or
either has or can be prepared for the assignment by:
questions are the basis for conference discussion-they
reading about the fundamental principles and practices
need not be quoted as written, but should be expressed
of storage and materials handling, learning storage
in a manner which puts the points across. For example:
policies, observing operations and storage procedures,
studying first hand and "living with" the actual work
as POSSIBLE." -"What do we MEAN by ORDERLY
going on in the various storage operations, and knowing
personally the supervisors of these operations.
c. Suggestions for group discussion are indicated
(2) From the storage activity-an individual
by instructions with such introductory words as:
with warehousing background and experience should
DISCUSS or ASK; these introductory words are in
have the benefit of any supervisory courses given at the
capital letters. For example: DISCUSS with the group
installation and should work closely with the person
BULK STORAGE as it occurs in their warehouses.
responsible for training to prepare himself in teaching
d. Suggestions for illustrations are always enclosed
and conference leadership techniques.
in parentheses. In cases where blackboard illustration is
d. Adequate conference rooms . No compromise
suggested, the material to be put on the board is
should be made in securing a comfortable, well lighted
enclosed in a rectangle. (WRITE the following points on
and aired, quiet, and easily accessible space for
blackboards, charts, or other visual aids:)
e. Continuous training. The turnover of warehouse
personnel, changes in procedure, improvements in
methods, and changes in commodities all point to the
absolute necessity of a continuous training program.
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