![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
arranged and scheduled so that no less than 10 or more
and step-by-step demonstrations through the use of
than 14 persons will be in attendance.
working models, films, charts, diagrams, and by the
training leader or an assistant actually performing the
job. Jobs covered in this phase will consist of those
(3) Leader. The leader of these sessions will
involved in such activities as equipment operation,
be a qualified representative of top storage
checking, packing, palletizing, recording stock locations,
management who has authority to act upon or obtain
and other duties, as necessary. Training in safety
action upon suggestions and problems which arise as a
practices should be an inherent factor in this type of
result of discussions held during the training period.
training. Follow-up also must be an integral part of this
b. Study of organization and procedures . The
second phase of the overall program should concentrate
(1) Responsibility of supervisors.
on a specific organization, operating procedures, and
purposes of expediency, an adequate number of
standard practices of which the supervisors and key
supervisors/trainers will be delegated the responsibility
personnel should have a complete working knowledge.
of carrying on this training under the person responsible
for directing and/or coordinating training activities.
(1) Source material. The material to be used
Ultimately, each supervisor should be prepared for and-
in this phase of the program must be adapted from the
responsible for training workers in on-the-job instruction.
actual organization charts, duties and responsibilities
(2) Benefit to new and old employees. The
sheets, written operating procedures, and standard
training in this third phase is necessary if new
storage and materials handling practices already
employees are to be raised to the highest point of
productivity in the shortest possible time.
employees should be kept abreast of any and all
(2) Coverage. In addition to organization and
changes in the job processes in which they are engaged
functions, general operational procedures and standard
through whatever medium of training is applicable;
practices of prime importance to the activity will be
however, a survey made to determine the amount of
covered. Examples of such procedures and standard
benefit old employees could obtain from the type of
practices are:
organized training defined in this third phase will be
beneficial and should be made.
7-7. Understudies.
In addition to the training given for the performance of
Care of Supplies in Storage
their assigned jobs, selected personnel will be trained as
Materials Handling Operations
understudies for all employees in key positions.
Assembly/Disassembly Operations
Packing and Crating Operations.
7-8. Qualifications of Trainers.
(3) Kind of training. All key personnel should
receive general training in all procedures and standard
The following qualifications should be considered in
In addition, they must receive detailed
selecting personnel to act as trainers:
instructions in those with which they are specifically
a. Experience in storage and materials handling
concerned. The amount of time devoted to training on
each function as well as operational procedures should
b. Aptitude for imparting instruction to others in an
be determined according to the complexity of the job
effective manner.
and the detail required for the training.
c. Probability of being able to remain on the trainer
(4) Method of training.
A modified
assignment until the program is completed.
conference method, in which group participation and
d. Interest in doing a training job.
discussion, within the bounds of the training objective
e. Patience and consideration for the feelings of
and under the guidance and control of the session
leader, should be used in presenting material in the first
two phases. The leader of each session should be the
7-9. Training Administrator (Specialist).
top supervisor or manager of the operation concerned.
A specialist in training, responsible for planning and
initiating the training program, should be a member of
c. Job instruction. The third phase of the training
the top storage manager's staff or available from
program will concentrate on actual job instruction for
installation management as determined
Included in this phase (but not
confined to) will be on-the-job instruction
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