![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
or petroleum product containers, bulging drums due to
For outside storage areas (additional
expansion of liquids under high temperatures, and other
similar unsafe conditions. The storage area will be
a. Smoking prohibited.
Smoking will not be
inspected for encroaching vegetation.
allowed in immediate outside storage areas; within
including dry weeds, will be cleared away from outside
areas where lumber, gasoline, and other petroleum
storage areas.
products are stored; and within specified distances of
boundaries of such areas. Assure that "No Smoking"
c. Life preservers at docks and piers. At docks
signs are posted in locations where smoking is not
and piers where depth of water is a possible hazard,
should personnel fall overboard, life preservers will be
maintained at 200-foot intervals at all times. Life
b. Frequent inspections will be conducted in all
preservers and belts will be provided at work areas
open storage areas. Particular attention will be focused
on stability of stacks of steel and lumber, potential
causes of fire in lumber storage, leaking solvent, paint
Section IX. Rules for Safe Storage
6-44. General.
All materials.
All materials (palletized or
unpalletized) will be place and secured in a safe
g. Tying load. In regions where) strong winds prevail,
noncapped or nonstrapped stacks of lumber or empty
drums in open storage will be tied to prevent top units
b. Pallet loads. All pallet loads will be squared to
from being blown off.
achieve a four-point level top. Superimposed loads will
be set squarely and firmly to preclude rocking or tipping.
h. Stacking clearance. Pallet loads will be stacked with
When loads have voids, the perimeter units will be
2 inches of clearance on all sides to prevent dislocation
placed at or near pallet edges. (A four-point load is one
of adjacent units.
which provides four points of contact, level with each
other on top, at or near the four sides of pallet.) Pallet
i. Storing of crushable containers. Crushable containers
support sets may be used for storing unstable loads.
will have vertical supports placed in such a manner that
weight of material stored above will not be supported
c. Partially loaded pallets. Partially loaded pallets will
entirely by the containers. Unstable or odd-shaped units
be stored in pallet racks or on top of stacks. A full load
such as brooms; swabs, bales of rags, cloth, and
will not be superimposed on a partial load and a large
oakum; coils of rope; or any item which may settle
load will not be superimposed on a small load. Heavy
slowly in prolonged storage will have the top loads in
loads will not be stored on top of a light load or on
proximity to each other in parallel rows. Each load will
material which could be broken or damaged.
contact parts of four vertical columns or stacks of loads
so that the containers may be tied at the top to prevent
d. Nonsecured top loads. Nonsecured top loads of tall
outward leaning of the stacks. Pallet support sets may
cylindrical units stacked on the end or any type of unit
also be used to support crushable loads.
which has a tendency to lean or settle outwards will be
tied with cord or tape; in multiple course top loads, a
j. Moving or lifting unstable units. To move and lift tall
piece of fiberboard or wrapping paper should be laid
or unstable units on pallets, especially when heavy units
horizontally between the two upper courses of units.
could cause outward bowing of the pallet, the forks of
When stacked vertically, loads with cylinders of
the forklift truck will be spread as wide as possible and
compressed gas will be strapped and collared.
when necessary, the units will be tied to prevent
perimeter units from falling off the pallet.
e. Unusable pallets. Broken or damaged pallets will be
replaced with pallets in safe condition.
k. Securing loads placed on trailers. Loads of material
placed on warehouse trailers for movement within the
f. Use of dunnage. Where it is necessary to stack
warehouse, between warehouses, to docks, piers, and
heavy materials in open storage on muddy or soft
loading platforms will be secured and tied, if necessary,
ground or on asphalt-type paved surfaces that soften in
to prevent material from falling off when turns are being
hot weather, sufficient base dunnage of broad
made, when moving up or down ramps, or when turns
dimensions will be provided to preclude later tipping or
are being made, when moving up or down ramps, or
settling of such material.
when crossing railroad tracks or unlevel surfaces.
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