![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
nails protruding from units, dunnage, or boards will be
l. Storing of cylindrical units. Cylindrical units
pounded level or removed.
stored in horizontal position will be blocked, nested, or
separated by notched horizontal spacers, as applicable.
o. Storing of flammable packing materials. Provide
closed bins for storing flammable packing materials
m. Corner markers. In bulk storage, the use of
pending use by the packing section.
corner markers at main and cross aisle intersections will
be based upon necessity through local determination.
p. Clear aisles and exits. Keep aisles and exits
The need for corner markers at main and cross aisle
clear at all times.
intersections should be limited to those intersections
were operating MHE may damage containers or
6-45. Floor load limits.
material in storage. Corner markers are not required at
Floor load limits will be observed whether a warehouse
the main and cross aisle intersections where storage
is of single or multistory construction. It is the activity
racks or bins are erected. Suggested corner marker
Civil Engineering Officer's duty to see that floor
construction is as follows and may be locally
capacities are determined and signs are posted in
conspicuous places stating the capacity of all floors in
that area. For safety standards concerning floor loads,
refer to 29 CFR 1910.22, (d)(1).
(1) Plywood of 1/2 to 3/4 inch thickness is a
good material for corner markers. If markers are for
6-46. Spontaneous combustion.
outside storage areas, exterior-type plywood should be
Under special conditions, certain materials generate
used. Other products such as sheet metal, hardboard,
enough heat to ignite spontaneously. Oils, lubricants,
or particle board can be considered if cost effective
and fats when absorbed by fibrous materials such as
under local conditions. The use of hinges to join the two
rags, waste, and paper are particularly dangerous.
wings of the corner markers will make it easier to move
Other such items are coal, brooms, oakum, jute, hemp,
and store the markers when necessary.
green fiber, sisal, skins, rubber, metal dross and
(2) Corner markers may be triangular,
turnings, leather scrap, and items containing a
square, or rectangular. Triangular shapes are the most
nitrocellulose base. The chief cause of fire is poor
easily identified shapes to denote corner markers and
Paper, scrap, excelsior, and other
are the most economical to construct. However, square
combustible packing materials must be placed in
or rectangular shapes offer more surface area for visual
approved containers or structures.
To combat
attention and physical protection against MHE and
combustion, proper ventilation must be provided at all
should be considered for use in bulk storage areas.
times. Spontaneously combustible materials will be
(3) Markers should not be less than 30 inches
segregated from each other and from other flammable
high or 24 inches wide (along one wing). No maximum
materials in accordance with TM 38-410/DLAM
size is established, but a square marker that measured
4145.11/NAVSUP PUB573/AFR69-XX/ MCO 4450.XX.
48 inches along each side would be considered a large
6-47. Adequate illumination in storage areas.
Adequate lighting in storage areas decreases safety
hazards and enhances workers' health and morale.
To reduce splintering, 2 or 3 inches could be
Adequate lighting minimizes sight weaknesses,
removed from each sharp point.
conserves manpower, and will be maintained at all
times in working areas and traversed spaces. Such
(4) Alternating yellow and black diagonal
lighting will be free from glare caused by exposed bulbs
stripes 3-5 inches wide will be painted on each wing of
or reflection from highly polished surfaces. Provision
the corner marker. The yellow should be color No.
will be made for an adequate number of globes or tubes
13538 or 13655 and should be the predominant color on
and reflectors to prevent glare. Lamps of proper
the marker (i.e., if there is room for seven stripes, four
voltage, wattage, and type for the area will be provided.
stripes will be yellow and three stripes will be black). If
Burned out globes or tubes will be replaced promptly.
corner markers are also used as row markers, it is
Globes, reflectors, and walls effecting the lighting should
permissible to have a suitable area on the markers
be kept clean at all times. Walls should be painted a
reserved for a numbering system.
light shade and lighting should be at recommended
levels (see reference to documents of appropriate
military department). Some types of fluorescent lamps
are now approved for class 1,
loose straps or wire from units and loads in storage to
prevent future injury of personnel when handling. All
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