![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
structures, only when safe containers are used, and in
j. Clean up immediately any spilled flammable
locations approved by the fire chief or safety officer.
liquids, greases, or other dangerous or slippery
substances from working floors or paved areas.
h. Prohibit smoking near warehouse doors and
entrances to prevent a discarded lighted cigarette or
k. Use containers, pallets, and units of sound
cigar being blown in through open doorways or under
construction only.
closed doors.
l. Maintain proper and safe storage of hazardous
i. Use soap and hot water to clean decks and
packing materials such as excelsior, sawdust, wood
floors. Gasoline, naphtha, thinners, or other highly
cellulose, preservative liquids, and chemicals.
flammable materials will not be used.
m. Provide ample space in aisles and work areas
j. Assure that floor elevation differences and other
and avoid congestion.
fixed stumbling and tripping hazards are clearly
n. Eliminate tripping hazards such as telephone,
light, and power cables.
k. Park two-wheel hand trucks with handles in
o. Place flammable waste such as oily rags, steel
upright position and in a location where fellow workers
wool, and sweepings of excelsior in special covered
will not stumble over them.
metal containers and dispose of regularly. Ashes will be
l. Do not block or otherwise make established fire
placed in noncombustible containers.
doors inoperative.
p. Store dunnage material in an orderly manner.
q. Provide regular inspections by supervisory
6-41. Wash and locker rooms.
personnel for unsafe conditions, unsafe acts, and
The following good housekeeping conditions should be
enforced for wash and locker rooms:
r. Maintain adequate emergency fire fighting
equipment and access thereto.
a. Clean rooms regularly.
s. Remove ice, snow, or sleet from outside
b. When a disinfectant is used, add directly to the
walkways, ramps, docks, and stairways, or spread sand,
wash water. A germicidal-type disinfectant may be used
fine gravel, or fine cinders to prevent slipping. Usually
in addition to, but not in place of, soap and water.
ice is treated first with calcium chloride or sodium
c. Clean floors and fixtures daily using soap and
chloride to prevent the sand from blowing off.
hot water. After cleaning, remove all soapy water from
the floors.
For inside storage areas (additional
d. Where salt water is used in closets and urinals
or where the water supply is likely to contain grit, a
The following precautions will be enforced for inside
strainer should be connected to the supply line to
storage areas:
prevent grit or dirt from reaching the valves. Clean the
strainers regularly.
a. All doors and windows in warehouses should be
kept closed and locked when work is not being done
near them or when not required to be open for
TM 5-506, NAVFACMO-125, AFM 91-2 give
further guidance in wash and locker room
b. Except when authorized in offices or rest rooms,
do not allow smoking within warehouses. Assure that
"No Smoking" signs are posted in locations where
6-42. Lockers.
smoking is not permitted.
The following restrictions will be enforced for lockers:
c. Maintain, as required, proper clearances at fire
doors, near overhead sprinklers, and bulkheads.
a. Two lockers will be provided for each employee
d. Floors should be kept dry.
working with open containers of lead compounds or
e. Keep hose, cable, and wire off floors and
other poisonous or toxic materials, one for street clothes
remove from walkways and work areas.
and the other for work clothes.
f Park powered MHE in warehouses in
b. Old clothes and miscellaneous articles will not
accordance with the provisions of paragraph L2i(2).
be stored on top of lockers.
g. Store gasoline or other highly flammable liquids,
c. Oil soaked or badly soiled cloths will be stored
in small quantities for station use only, in flammable-
type warehouses or in special nonflammable small
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