![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
c. Where the floor area of a building is less than
Appreciable depth is defined as a depth of a
that specified in table 6-1, at least one extinguisher of
liquid greater than one-quarter of an inch.
the minimum size recommended will be provided.
d. The protection requirements may be fulfilled
with extinguishers of higher rating provided the travel
b. Two or more extinguishers of lower ratings,
distance to such larger extinguishers will not exceed 75
except for foam extinguishers, will not be used in lieu of
the extinguisher required for the largest tank. The
maximum of three foam extinguishers may be used to
fulfill these requirements.
Table 6-2.
c. Scattered or widely separated hazards will be
individually protected if the specified travel distances in
Basic mini-
15a and 15c above are exceeded.
Type of hazard
mum extin-
travel distance
extinguishers in the proximity of a hazard will be
guisher rating
to extinguishers
carefully located so as to be accessible in the presence
of a fire without undue danger to the operator.
6-36. Fire extinguisher size and placement for class
C hazards.
Extinguishers with class C ratings will be required where
energized electrical equipment may be encountered
Where this section calls for minimum
which would require a nonconducting extinguishing
extinguisher ratings of 4B, 8B, or 12B, the
media. This will include fire either directly involving or
requirements may be met by existing
surrounding electrical equipment. Since the fire itself is
extinguishers or multiple foam extinguishers
a class A or class B hazard, the extinguishers are sized
as allowed by o(2) below. However, if a single
and located on the basis of the anticipated class A or
extinguisher must be purchased to fulfill such
class B hazard.
requirements, the next higher rating will be
Inspection, maintenance, and hydrostatic
6-34. Fire extinguisher size and placement for class
B fires other than for fires in flammable liquids of
appreciable depth.
a. General. For details of conducting needed
inspections, proper maintenance operations, and
required tests, see NFPA No. 10A, Maintenance and
a. Minimal sizes of fire extinguishers for the listed
Use of Portable Fire Extinguishers.
grades of hazard will be provided on the basis of table
travel distances will not exceed those specified in table
b. Inspection.
(1) Extinguishers will be inspected monthly,
b. Two or more extinguishers of lower rating,
or at more frequent intervals when circumstances
except for foam extinguishers, will not be used to fulfill
require, to ensure they are in their designated places, to
the protection requirements of table 6-2. The maximum
ensure they have not been actuated or tampered with,
of three foam extinguishers may be used to fulfill these
and to detect any obvious physical damage, corrosion,
or other impairments.
c. The protection requirements may be fulfilled
(2) Any extinguishers showing defects will be
with extinguishers of higher ratings provided the travel
given a complete maintenance check.
distance to such larger extinguishers shall not exceed
50 feet.
c. Maintenance.
(1) At regular intervals, not more than 1 year
6-35. Fire extinguisher size and placement for class
apart, or when specifically indicated by an inspection,
B fires in flammable liquids of appreciable depth.
extinguishers will be thoroughly examined to ensure
operability and safety. Defective extinguishers will be
a. For flammable liquid hazards of appreciable
recharged, repaired, or replaced, as needed.
depth (class B) such as in dip or quench tanks, class B
(2) Extinguishers removed from the premises
fire extinguishers will be provided on the basis of one
to be recharged will be replaced by spare extinguishers
numerical unit of class B extinguishing potential per
during the period they are gone.
square foot of flammable liquid surface of the largest
tank hazard within the area.
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