![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
The activity will provide advice and
b. Hoods, aprons, sleeves, and suits. Hoods,
instructions on procurement of safety toe footwear.
aprons, sleeves, or suits made from natural or synthetic
rubber or acid-resisting rubberized cloth will be worn for
protection when filling open vessels with acid or when
of shoes on explosive materials and sparks from metal
handling individual containers of acid to protect
parts in shoes are potential hazards with all explosive
personnel from possible leakage or breakage of
materials. Conductive sparkproof shoes shall be worn in
the vicinity of exposed explosives which are susceptible
to static spark of the energy that can be discharged from
c. Rubber-framed goggles (29 CFR 1910.133).
a person. The construction of nonspark-producing or
Rubber-framed goggles will be worn for protection of the
explosives operation shoes should be in accordance
eyes against smoke, gas, fine dust, mists, and sprays or
with the latest U.S. Safety Standard. Shoes with soles
splashes of liquid or other substances, including acids
and heels of leather, rubber, or synthetic compositions
and alkali solutions.
(neolite, Neoprene, and similar compositions) may be
d. Spectacle goggles (29 CFR 1910.133).
used provided the soles and heels contain no exposed
Spectacle goggles with side shields will be worn for eye
nails or holes. The shoes shall have a fully enclosed
protection against flying particles of dust, chips, and
safety toe cap. Periodic inspections shall be made to
machine cuttings.
Spectacle goggles without side
detect and eliminate any shoes with exposed metal.
shields will be worn for other operations requiring eye
The soles and heels of shoes must be cleaned free from
sand and dirt before entering a building containing
e. Protective hat (helmet) (29 CFR 1910.135)
Conductive shoes meeting the
(ANSI Z89. 1).
requirements for explosives operations (nonspark-
producing shoes) may be substituted for them if desired.
(1) A protective hat will be worn for head
j. Respiratory protection (29 CFR 1910.134). An
protection against falling or flying objects or from
effective respiratory protection program should include
bumping the head when working in cramped places. A
the following:
protective hat will always be worn when in yards or
areas when material is being lifted or hoisted. A
(1) Written standard operating procedures.
protective hat will be worn when stowing or handling
(2) Instruction and training in the proper
material above head level, if using MHE equipped with
selection and use of respirators.
inadequate overhead guard, or in high rise warehouses
when local authority determines that falling material may
(3) Assignment of respirators to individual
present a hazard.
users who have been medically approved by a physician
and are periodically, (for instance, annually) reviewed
(2) Bump caps are of a thin shelled
for medical status.
lightweight plastic construction and do not meet the
specifications of ANSI Z89.1 for impact flying particle
(4) Cleaning and disinfection procedures for
and electric shock protection. Bump caps are not to be
substituted for protective hard hats and their use should
(5) Proper techniques for storage of
be limited to exposures where bumping of the head is
the only consideration.
(6) Criteria for inspection of respirators.
(7) Surveillance of work conditions to
f Protective headgear (cap or beret type).
determine respirator needs.
Protective headgear will be worn to confine long hair
(8) Determination of proper size respirator to
and prevent entanglement with moving or rotating
fit workers.
machinery, open flames, or dust accumulation.
(9) Periodic program evaluation.
g. Welders gloves, goggles, mitts, helmets, and
(10) A requirement that personnel who wear
jackets (29 CFR 1910.252(e)).
Welders gloves,
respirators are prohibited from having beards and
goggles, mitts, helmets, and jackets will be worn for
mustaches if they prevent a snug or proper fit.
protection of hands, face, eyes, and body against
sparks, chips, and flame resulting from welding or
cutting processes.
k. Combustible gas and oxygen indicator. The
purpose of this dual purpose instrument is to monitor
h. Safety toe shoes.
Authorized safety toe
areas for buildup of potentially hazardous combustible
footwear will be worn while working in areas or while
performing operations designated by the appropriate
gases and/or oxygen deficiency. Typically such areas
authority as hazardous to feet or toes of the workers.
include vaults, tunnels, sewers, ship holds, and areas
Safety toe shoes will meet standards as set forth in 29
where combustible fluids are used or stored.
CFR 1910.136 and ANSI Z41.1 for occupational
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