![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Portable combustible gas indicating detectors.
(2) If the use of ferrous metal hand tools is
Portable combustible gas indicating detectors available
required because of strength characteristics, the
for use as follows:
immediate area should be free from exposed explosives
and other highly combustible materials except in
(1) For detection of miscellaneous flammable
specific operations approved by the service/ agency
gases (including hydrogen) and vapors.
concerned. Prior to use, all ferrous metal hand tools to
(2) For indication of the concentration of
be used must be examined by the local safety office and
hydrogen in mixtures with air or oxygen.
approved for use.
(3) For detecting combustible gases or
vapors associated with fuel oils, gasoline, and paints.
n. Safety treads. Safety treads should be installed
(4) For detecting concentrations of one or
on ladders, stairs, and floor surfaces to prevent slipping.
more specific combustible gases in mixture with air or
Several types of safety treads are available.
o. Knee pads.
Knee pads will provide for
protection of knees of carpenters, riggers, or mechanics
m. Safety hand tools.
who must kneel while working.
(1) Safety hand tools are constructed of wood
p. Carboy tilter. Carboy tilters will be used for safe
or other nonsparking or spark resistant materials such as
removal of dangerous liquids such as acids from
bronze, lead, beryllium alloys, and "K" Monel metal
which, under normal conditions of use, will not produce
q. Special bung fittings and automatic faucets.
sparks. Properly maintained, nonferrous hand tools
Special bung fittings and automatic faucets will be used
shall be used for work in locations which contain
on drums for dispensing and storing of dangerous liquids
exposed explosives or hazardous concentrations of
(ref. NFPA Code 30).
flammable dusts, gases, or vapors. Hand tools or other
r. Special gas fill caps and metal sediment bowls.
implements used in the vicinity of hazardous materials
Special gas fill caps and metal sediment bowls will be
must be handled carefully and kept clean. All tools
used on powered MHE for safety in replenishment of
should be checked out before beginning work and
checked in at its completion.
Section VI. Fire Protection (29 CFR 1910.156)
6-13. Classification of fires.
b. The classification and rating system described
a. Class A fires are fires in ordinar y combustible
in this section is that used by Underwriters' Laboratories,
materials such as wood, cloth, paper, and rubber.
Inc. and Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada and is
based on extinguishing preplanned fires of determined
b. Class B fires are fires in flammable liquids,
size and description as follows:
gases, and greases.
(1) Class A rating-wood and excelsior fires
c. Class C fires are fires which involve energized
excluding deep-seated conditions.
nonconductivity of the extinguishing media is of
(2) Class B rating-2-inch depth gasoline fires
(When electrical equipment is de-
in square pans.
energized, extinguishers for class A or B fires may be
(3) Class C rating-no fire test. Agent must be
used safely.)
a nonconductor of electricity.
d. Class D fires are fires in combustible metals
(4) Class D rating-special tests on specific
such as magnesium, titanium, zirconium, sodium, and
combustible metal fires.
6-15. Classification of hazards.
6-14. Classification of portable extinguishers.
a. A light hazard is a situation where the amount of
a. Portable fire extinguishers are classified for use
combustibles or flammable liquids present is such that
on certain classes of fires and rated for relative
fires of small size may be expected. These may include
extinguishing effectiveness at a temperature of plus
offices, schoolrooms, churches, assembly halls,
70 . by nationally recognized testing laboratories.
telephone exchanges, etc.
This is based upon the preceding classification of fires
b. An ordinary hazard is a situation where the
and the fire extinguishment potentials as determined by
amount of combustibles or flammable liquids present is
fire tests.
such that fires of moderate size may be expected.
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