![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
6-7. Methods.
b. Use. Equipment must be used only for the
Personnel will be trained in the proper methods of
purpose for which it is designed. For example, use of
operating equipment. Training information or programs
electric-powered spark enclosed equipment is required
may be found in chapter IV, section E, of this manual or
when handling flammable gases. All equipment must
in the National Safety Council Drivers Training Course.
be checked to determine suitability for the task and if
any doubt exists as to suitability, qualified personnel
6-8. Layout.
must be consulted.
Familiarity of the storage layout or area is an important
c. Special attachments. In areas where flammable
factor for the prevention of accidents. The following
materials are stored and handled, the use of spark
conditions must be considered:
enclosed equipment and special attachments thereto will
reduce operating hazards. When front end attachments
a. Distance. The greater the distance traveled, the
are used which are not factory installed, the user shall
greater the potential for accidents.
request that the truck be marked to identify the
attachment and show the approximate weight of the
b. Terrain. The rougher the terrain, the greater
truck and attachment combination at maximum load
potential for accidents.
elevation with load laterally centered.
c. Elevation changes. Changes in elevation can
d. Maintenance. Equipment which is not in proper
constitute a hazard. Elevation changes can involve
operating condition constitutes a hazard. Operator will
extra handling and increase the potential for accidents.
not operate equipment that appears to be mechanically
d. Aisles. Narrow aisles, turns and jogs in aisles,
unsafe. They will not attempt to repair such equipment
bumps or protruding objects constitute hazards.
but will report unsafe equipment to their supervisor for
appropriate corrective action or replacement.
Section IV. Accident Prevention Program
6-9. Analysis of operation.
6-10. Training of personnel.
Each physical operation will be analyzed by supervisory
At each facility, safety training programs will be
or safety personnel to predetermine inherent and
developed for supervisors and employees. Formal
manmade hazards. Operating procedures will then be
safety training, fire prevention training, or other required
developed which either remove or control the hazards
instruction will be performed by supervisors with
identified. Method of control include substitution with
assistance from installation safety, fire prevention, and
safer equipment or procedures, isolation of hazardous
health activities.
operations, mechanical guarding, redesign of facility
and/or equipment layout, and others. Installation safety
6-11. Reports.
specialists can be of great assistance in developing
All accidents will be investigated and reported in
hazard controls to satisfy specific safety requirements.
accordance with existing procedures of the appropriate
military department.
Section V. Safety Equipment and Clothing
purpose workmen's gloves will be worn for protection of
6-12. Use.
hands from cuts and abrasions. The glove palm, thumb,
When a hazard still exists after all practical control
methods have been taken, workers must be given
and index finger are covered with leather. When glass
is handled, gloves with suction cups or leather palms will
further protection through protective equipment or
be worn. When gloves with leather parts are used, care
The type of equipment and/or clothing
must be taken that the leather parts do not become
required will depend upon the nature of the hazards
greasy. Special purpose workmen's gloves available
This equipment will not be used as a
and situations requiring their use are contained in TM
substitute for the elimination or control of unsafe acts
38-410/DLAM 4145.11/NAVSUP PUB 573/AFR 69-
and conditions, but rather as a supplemental safety
XX/MCO 4450.XX, Storage and Handling of Hazardous
a. Gloves. When performing general labor work and
when sharp or rough material is being handled, general
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