![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Section VI. Packaged Petroleum Products
presently accommodated in standard flammable storage
(a) The storage of packaged petroleum
warehouses with the proper installed fire protection
fuels and lubricants (not including special fuel
combinations of guided missile propellants unless
specifically classified in this category) in standard
5-46. Location.
containers involves nearly all the fire hazards
A level site should be selected that is not in or adjacent
encountered in the final use. In recognition of these
to a congested area, with the contour of terrain being
inherent hazards, minimum safeguards must be
such that an immediate runoff of surface water is
established to avoid serious fires.
possible through a system of open ditches. Drainage
(b) The procedures and instructions for
into any sewer system is prohibited. An area with a
the storage of packaged petroleum products are
cinder base, marsh, or wasteland overlaid with peat and
contained in MILHDBK-201, Petroleum Operations.
usually more or less wet will not be used when other
terrain is available. Consideration will also be given to
(c) Special markings of packaged
direction of flow with the main outlets so located that
petroleum products are contained in MILSTD-290,
flow is away from a congested area and toward a
Packaging, Packing, and Marking of Petroleum and
harmless area where fire extinguishing agents can be
Related Products.
applied en route or at destination. An adequate supply
(d) Application of the appropriate
of water for fire fighting purposes should be taken into
storage principles set forth herein is a responsibility of
consideration in the selection of this site. The drum
the installation commander. It is recognized that under
storage area should be located or arranged so that
certain local conditions, strict adherence to the
escaping flammable vapors normally flow away from
prescribed storage practices will not be practicable. The
operational areas and sources of ignition. Depressed
following factors will be evaluated by the installation
areas should be avoided because hazardous vapors
commander in consultation with petroleum, safety, and
tend to remain in them. Gasoline vapors are heavier-
fire prevention specialists before deviation from the
than air and tend to lie in a stratum less than 4 feet
prescribed practices is authorized:
above grade and flow toward lower ground much as
(1) Type of product stored.
liquid flows to a lower level.
(2) Cost.
(3) Type and condition of drums.
5-47. Standards for Storage of 55-Gallon
(4) Availability of storage space and handling
Drummed Petroleum Products.
(a) General. The fire hazard involved
(5) Terrain features.
in the storage of petroleum products is dependent, to a
great degree, upon the flashpoint (see para 5-49, and
(6) Climate.
(7) Proximity and type of structures, source of
gross amount stored.
(b) Covered Storage. Covered storage
(8) Other pertinent information.
is the preferred type of permanent storage.
(c) Outdoor Storage. Filled and empty
Use of Drums.
55-gallon drums may be stored outside. Drums may be
(a) As a general policy, storage of filled
stacked vertically (on pallets) or horizontally (on sides).
drums should be held to the absolute minimum needed
(1) Stacking.
to meet ordinary requirements. When bulk facilities are
available, it is safer and more economical to store
(a) When stored in the vertical position,
empty drums (see para 5-50), provide adequate drum-
service-or agency-approved drum top covers must be
filling equipment, and store only enough filled drums to
used to prevent the collection of water on drum tops and
meet immediate requirements while the filling plant is in
subsequent corrosion/contamination and oxidation.
process of reaching full capacity, than to store large
Tops of the drums must be dry before applying
quantities of filled drums.
Quality surveillance of
protective cover. For multiple tiers of drums stored in
product is more easily maintained in bulk quantities.
the vertical position on pallets, a single strap or band will
be placed around the drums on each pallet to ensure
(b) The practices covered below apply
A sampling inspection will be made
to large amounts of drummed products stored outside
periodically to ensure
buildings, not to the storage of station supplies
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