![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
bolt heads, or other protrusions that could cause
(a) The same precautions observed
when loading pipe should also be observed while
(2) The first layer should allow couplings and
belled ends to overhang the bed with each successive
(b) PVC pipe may be unloaded from
layer overhanging the layer below. Alternately, bundles
trucks by sliding over other plastic pipes, but care
may be constructed in any manner that does not stress
should be taken not to slide pipe over rough or abrasive
the bells and couplings.
(3) Short body trucks may be used if fitted
(c) PVC pipe should not be dropped or
with racks that properly support the pipe in a horizontal
thrown off a truck nor should the ends of the pipe be
allowed to dig into the ground after sliding off a truck.
c. Storage.
5-42. Radioactive Material.
(1) Pipe stored outside for long periods of
Many commodities employed by the Federal services
time should be covered to protect it from prolonged
incorporate a radioisotope (ionizing radiation) as a
exposure to direct or reflected sunlight. The cover may
functional component. Since ionizing radiation presents
be canvas or an opaque material as long as adequate
a significant potential hazard, rigid controls are imposed
air circulation is provided under the cover to avoid
on handling and storage of radioactive material by Title
10, Code of Federal Regulations. These controls are
(2) Pipe stored on uneven surfaces may, in
stated in a general way in DLAM 4145.8/AR 700-64/
time, assume the contour of this uneven surface.
NAVSUPINST 4000.34/AFM 67-8/MCO P4400.105,
This is accelerated by the weight of the
Radioactive Commodities in the DOD Supply System
stack and/ or by temperature above 100 .
and in OSHA 1910.96. For further information, see TM
(3) PVC pipe at the bottom of a stack may
38-410/DLAM 4145.11/ NAVSUP PUB 573/AFR 69-
become out-of-round due to the weight of the material
XX/MCO 4450.XX, Storage and Handling of Hazardous
above. At moderate temperatures, this corrects itself
soon after the load is removed; at low temperatures,
several hours may be required for recovery.
5-43. Magnetic Tapes, Disks, Diskettes, and
Long times or heavy loads may
Extreme or repeated temperature fluctuations in the
cause permanent out-of-roundness.
storage environment may cause a deterioration in the
oxide uniformity of magnetic mass memory media
materials. This is especially critical in magnetic tapes
(4) Bundles of PVC pipe should have the
and disks designed for use with automated data
belied ends or couplings alternated at each end of the
processing equipment (ADPE); however, other sound or
bundle and extended beyond the other pipe ends.
video tapes and cassettes are similarly sensitive to
Alternately, bundles may be constructed in any manner
changes in the storage temperature. These items must
that does not stress the bells and couplings.
be afforded long-term storage in a facility with a
(5) Store single lengths of PVC pipe on a flat
controlled temperature between 50 to 125 degrees
surface so as to support the barrel evenly. If the pipe is
Fahrenheit (F) (10 to 50 degrees centigrade (C)).
to be placed in racks, support the pipe at least every 3
Magnetic tapes, disks, and cassettes shall be moved to
feet. Contact areas should be padded to prevent
a controlled temperature storage environment
abrasive damage.
immediately upon receipt.
Materials will not be
(6) Keep PVC pipe away from hot objects,
permitted to sit for extended periods on docks, loading
pipelines, heaters, etc.
platforms, or ramps exposed to the elements. This
d. Loading Transfer Trucks.
action will maximize the shelf-life of the material and
(1) Use trucks with long bodies making
prevent the premature chemical deterioration of the
certain the truck bed is smooth, without cross-strips,
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