![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
(2) Bundles of pipe should be loaded in such
(2) Organizational clothing and equipment
a manner as to prevent unnecessary loads on the lower
(a) OCE, which is issued at least
(3) When nesting PVC pipe, chicken wire,
annually, does not require storage surveillance provided
plywood, etc., suitable material should be used to keep
that adequate storage facilities/environment are used.
the pipe within the pipe from sliding out during shipping.
OCE that is not issued on an annual basis such as
It is recommended that heavy wall pipe not be nested in
contingency/special purpose clothing and equipment
thin wall pipe. Pipe should be free of dirt or caked mud
since this can cause excessive scratching and abrading
facilities/environment will be included in a storage
as the pipe is nested or denested.
surveillance program, as specified in this paragraph.
(4) Straps or ropes should be used to tie
(b) All OCE issued will be inspected by
loads down. Chains and binders that could gouge the
the storage/receiving activity upon return by the user.
pipe should be avoided. If chains and binder cable are
The OCE will be cleaned and reconditioned in
used, adequate protection should be used where
possible damage may occur (e.g., on edges, etc.).
procedures/specifications, as necessary, prior to return
to storage. (Subpara c(2) above is not applicable to
(5) Large diameter pipe should be loaded on
wholesale depot receipts of IM/ICP directed customer
top. This will allow tighter cinching of pipe, keep the
returns of C&T items (i.e., field returns).)
pipe from crushing, and prevent bundles from shifting.
When the lengths vary, the shorter lengths should be on
(3) Storage of textile yard goods. Rolls or
flat-folded fabric should never be stored on end and
they must be stored off the floor. When supported
(6) To prevent shifting that may occur during
pallets are used, stacking height is dependent only on
shipping, interbanding of the bundles in the load is
safe height determination and MHE capabilities. When
recommended. This requires banding the top half of the
unsupported pallets are used, the maximum height
load and the bottom half of the load into two modules,
should be two tiers, if packaged in fiberboard boxes. If
then banding the top and bottom modules together.
packaged in wood cleated boxes, stack height is
Alternately, separate bundles may be laid side by side
dependent on the vertical stacking strength of the box
and then secured to the bed by straps.
walls. All nonrigid pack rolls must be stored on side
(7) Pipe lengths should not overhang the
supported pallets or equivalent with the long axis of
truck bed more than 2 feet.
each roll in the same direction, front to back.
(8) Extra care should be used in handling
Successive layers should be staggered so that each roll
PVC pipe as the temperature drops below freezing since
above the bottom roll is centered between and resting
flexibility and impact resistance decrease with lower
on two rolls of the lower layer. Alternating layers at right
temperatures. Also, moisture that accumulates on the
angles is unacceptable as is the use of wedges or cleats
pipe freezes, creating a slippery surface and enhancing
on unsupported pallets. Storage aids, equipment, and
the chances of the pipe sliding off forklifts or shifting on
tools with rough surfaces, sharp edges, and/or
the truck. (Refer to para 23a(6), above).
protrusions that may come in contact with the fabrics
(9) Pipe may be distorted if stacked too high
should not be used.
or heavily loaded when temperatures exceed 100 .
(10) Adequate protection should be provided
5-41. PVC Plastic Pipe.
so that PVC pipe will not be exposed to engine exhaust.
Although PVC plastic pipe will withstand some abusive
b. Receiving and Handling PVC Pipe.
handling conditions, there are limits. Establishing the
limits is a subjective process since the physical
(1) Inspection. Each pipe shipment should be
properties of PVC compounds cover a rather broad
carefully inspected on its arrival. Pipe should be
range. In addition, some of the properties are affected
examined for cuts, scratches, gouges, holes, and other
by temperature. The following are basic precautions
imperfections before use. Any imperfections in the pipe
and care guidances for handling and storing this
that will adversely affect serviceability should be cause
for rejection.
a. Loading PVC Pipe,
(2) Unloading Precautions.
(1) Care should be used when loading and
unloading PVC pipe with mechanical equipment such as
forklifts. Dragging or jamming by said equipment can
and will damage the pipe..
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