![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
and must be performed in accordance with the
and plastic may result in recognizable musty or foul
referenced publications.
odors and may produce discoloration, spotting, or
b. Receipt inspection and storage surveillance.
staining which can normally be readily identified by
The following guidelines are provided as the minimum
visual examination.
requirements for clothing and textiles receipt inspection
(d) Deterioration due to chemical
and storage surveillance:
(1) Receipt inspection.
At least one
fabrics may become hard and stiff or soften and become
container/ package/roll per NSN, contract line item, and
Improper storage conditions, particularly
shipment will be selected as the representative sample
exposure to extreme heat, light, moisture, etc., can
size. At least one bare item per container/package
cause chemical change. However, normal aging should
and/or at least the first 5 yards of product per
also be considered as a potential cause for chemical
package/roll selected should be inspected.
(2) Storage surveillance.
At least one
(e) Tarnishing.
A discoloration or
container/package/roll per location and NSN requiring
dulling found on highly lustrous metallic surfaces of
inspection will be selected as the representative sample
items such as buttons, insignia, or braid. Tarnishing can
size. At least one bare item per container/ package
usually be corrected by cleaning or polishing, therefore,
and/or at least the first 5 yards of product per
it is not considered as serious damage.
package/roll selected should be inspected.
(f) Corrosion. The condition of rusting,
(3) Kinds of deterioration/damage.
pitting, oxidation, or flaking on the surface of metal
following descriptions of typical deterioration and/or
components. It is considered serious if the conditions
damage which may be encountered during the
are severe enough to detract from the appearance and
inspection of clothing textiles and related materials are
expected function of the item.
provided as general guidance and information:
(g) Insect and rodent infestation. The
(a) Containers, packages, and/or rolls.
presence of insect infestation usually is revealed by
All shipment units shall be visually inspected for the
visual evidence of the insect, insect web, case skins,
proper markings and evidence of damage during the
and pellets of excrement. The presence of rodents may
receipt process. All shipment units should be palletized
be disclosed by evidence of gnawing at the corners and
at the time of receipt. Containers should be modular to
edges of cartons, packaging cases, and bales as well as
standard 40by 48-inch pallet without overhang and
area spoilage and pellets of excrement. Damage
should not contain mixed NSNs. The receipt process to
caused by insects or rodents is usually evidenced in
include discrepancy reporting is described in chapter III
textiles materials by the presence of holes or thin areas,
of this manual.
Sample inspection of the
as revealed by light transmission through the affected
containers/packages/rolls must be accomplished, as
Common insects which contribute to the
described in the preceding paragraph (22b(2)). In
deterioration of clothing and textiles in storage are
addition to normal receipt inspections, containers,
carpet beetles, clothes moths, silverfish, crickets, and
packages, and/or rolls must be visually examined for
openings which may expose the contents to attack by
requirements/procedures" are contained in chapter 3,
contaminants or infestation by insects or rodents. The
section IV, of this manual.
presence of water stains or other discolored or sticky
areas caused by exposure to excessive light, heat,
(4) Shelf-life items. For all items with an
water, weather, or by contact with foreign matter
indicated shelf life, inspections should be performed at
signifies the possibility of contents' damage or
the frequency designated.
Visual examination is
deterioration. Storage surveillance procedures should
performed for the condition indicated on the specified
also include these visual examinations on a continual
sample quantity to determine that no product
basis to alert facility managers to any potential facility
deterioration developed. If testing is required, the
maintenance requirements and product damage or
proper sample should be submitted, as specified in the
referenced publications (see para 5-40a).
(b) Abnormal odors. Odors which are
c. Special procedures.
unrelated to the normal characteristics of the specific
(1) Life supportive items. Clothing and textile
materials should arouse suspicion that some form of
items such as parachute materials must be laboratory
deterioration is occurring (i.e., musty odors, sharp
tested to verify serviceability, as specified in the
pungent odors, and/or unusual odors).
referenced publications (see para 540a). This would
(c) Mildew
include all types of materials used in the production of
Microbiological action on clothing, textiles, leather,
life supportive items.
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