![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Also, reeds have a tendency to mold or mildew when
should be established by the military service/agency
exposed to air. Gut should be stored in a refrigerated
concerned and should be predicated on local conditions.
unit with a quart of water containing 2 teaspoonfuls of
(5) Housekeeping. Good housekeeping is the
formaldehyde placed nearby.
best additional preventive measure to be taken against
5-39. Brushes: Feather, Wool, Bristle, and Hair.
(6) Safety. Contact with insect repellent such
a. General. The two hazards encountered in the
as naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene can cause
storage of brushes manufactured from keratinous
skin irritations. The fumes in heavy concentrations are
materials such as feathers, wool, bristle, and hair, are
toxic. Personnel concerned will take the necessary
infestation of the brush by various beetles, mold, or
precautions such as the use of goggles, rubber gloves,
mildew and rot due to humid atmospheric conditions.
and half-mask respirators.
Conditions permitting,
(1) Beetle infestation. Four types of beetles
storage areas should be well-ventilated.
which cause damage to the keratinous part of the brush
(7) Damage stock. Material found to be
are commonly known as the black carpet beetle, the
damaged by infestation, mildew, mold, or rot should be
furniture beetle, the varied carpet beetle, and the buffalo
disposed of in accordance with procedures set forth by
the service/agency concerned.
the lyctus powder post beetle which attacks all types of
hardwoods generally used for handles.
5-40. Clothing and textiles.
(2) Climatic hazards.
During long-term
a. General. The purpose of this paragraph is to
storage in humid climates, the keratinous part of the
provide general/minimum guidelines for the receipt
brush may develop mildew, mold, or rot.
inspection of direct vendor deliveries and wholesale
b. Precautions prior to storage. Usually, Federal
procurement receipts of clothing and textile products.
specifications require manufacturers to enclose insect
These paragraphs also provide general/minimum
repellent with brushes. Receipts that have not been
guidelines for storage surveillance inspections of
afforded the necessary protection will be inspected for
clothing and textile products.
These inspection
infestation and, subsequently, properly packaged for
requirements are intended to provide an indication of
storage. Particular attention should be given to roll
the items' condition and are not intended to be (or to
back, salvage, or surplus stock.
replace) technical inspections.
Those DOD
c. Precautions in storage.
Brushes made of
Components having established COSIS programs that
keratinous materials will always be protected from
infestation by including naphthalene flake or balls or
determining clothing and textile product condition are
paradichlorobenzene flake or powder in each pack.
exempt from the storage surveillance inspection
Since these repellents tend to evaporate, care should be
requirements established in this paragraph.
taken to replenish, as required.
(1) Bulk lot storage. Bulk lots will be stored in
Specific guidelines for standard clothing and textile
original containers; if material is repackaged locally, a
products are contained in appendix T, DLAM 4155.5/TB
small amount of repellent should be added to each
740-10, Quality Control Depot Serviceability Standards,
container which should be kept sealed.
Clothing and Textiles. Guidelines for special purpose
clothing and textile products requiring special care,
(2) Bin storage. Brushes stored in bin boxes
handling, and storage are published in the specific
or openings should be kept in the unit pack. When the
items' technical and/ or supply publications. All types of
size of the smallest unit pack precludes shelf or bin
clothing, textiles, and related materials are subject to
storage, bin stocks may be placed in a protective wrap
deterioration. The occurrence of deterioration in storage
with a small amount of repellent.
depends principally upon storage conditions, the nature
(3) CH or temperature. To prevent mildew,
of the materials, and the types of preservation and
mold, or rot, especially in high humidity areas, material
packaging. As a minimum, clothing and textile storage
should be stored in CH or temperature storehouses.
requirements should not be downgraded below the
(4) Inspection of material in storage. Sample
general purpose unheated warehouse level. For most
quantities of stock should be regularly inspected for
clothing, textiles, and related materials, good storage
signs of insect infestation, mildew, mold, and rot. The
conditions will either prevent deterioration entirely or
frequency and scope of these inspections
make it very unlikely. However, periodic inspections are
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