![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
(e) Continue building stacks until the
(b) Build a partial flooring for the first
section is completed. Each stack must be completed to
tier of cans by laying out rows of 2by 6-inch lumber or
the desired height before the next stack is begun to
other comparable dunnage and tying in with wooden
avoid obstructing the range of the truck or crane.
strips or boards. No dunnage is necessary between
5-49. Standards for Storage of Packaged Fuels,
(c) Beginning at one corner of the
Lubricants, and Greases.
square, place six cans side by side along one side of the
square. Place cans 6 inches from edge of dunnage and
a. Covered storage.
allow 1/4-inch expansion space between the cans.
(1) General. All packaged lubricants and
(d) Place a row of six cans side by side
greases should be under covered storage, wherever
with backs facing aisle, along adjacent side of square to
possible. See TM 38-420/DLAM 4145.XX/NAVSUP
form an L.
PUB 574/AFR 69-XX/MCO 4450.XX, Storage Space
Management, regarding types of facilities. Packaged
(e) Place three rows of cans within the L.
fuels, paint thinner, and other low-flash products may be
(f) Place a second tier of cans on top
stored in buildings provided adequate dispersion and
of the first. Indent the second tier on both sides
ventilation are obtained and the buildings which are
approximately 31/3 inches so that each can in the tier
used meet the requirements of the current edition of
rests on three or four cans.
Flammable Liquids Code No. 30 published by National
(g) Place a third and fourth tier on the
Fire Protection Association, 470 Atlantic Avenue,
stack, indent each tier as described in (f) above. Do not
Boston, MA 02110.
stack cans more than four tiers high.
(2) Stacking containers. Layout of sections
(h) Continue building the pyramid
and stacking height depend upon warehouse design,
outward until the entire 50-foot square is completed.
available storage space, load capacity of floor, and
Turn cans at the end of each row so that backs of all
available MHE.
The primary objective in the
outside cans in a pyramid face the aisle. The first tier
arrangement of containers is to store the maximum
should contain 3,528 cans, the second tire 3,403 cans,
quantity of products in a limited space while maintaining
the third tier 3,280 cans, and the fourth tier 3,159 cans,
fire control and providing ease and safety in handling
totaling 13,370 cans in the section.
the containers.
(2) Vertical stacking. Filled 5-gallon cans
(3) Safety precautions.
may be stacked vertically when cans are palletized and
(a) Uncased containers' exteriors will
forklift trucks or cranes are used. To stack palletized
be free of grease and oil before being placed in storage.
cans vertically, proceed as follows:
(b) Follow
(a) Lay out 50-foot square sections, if
described in c(l) below.
necessary, adjust the size of a section to accommodate
(c) Additional safety information is to
a definite number of pallets. It is not necessary to
be found in chapter IV.
construct a floor for the containers;
b. Outdoor storage.
(b) Place cans upright on pallet and
group them close together allowing an even border
(1) General. Although packaged lubricating
around pallet. Terrain and equipment limitations must
oils and greases are normally stored under cover, they
govern the number of tiers of cans on pallets. Size of
may be stored outdoors when storage buildings are
the pallet will determine the number of cans to be
unavailable and containers are protected from water and
included in the tiers.
heat of sun by fire-retardant tarpaulins. The stacking
areas should be laid out to provide for segregation of
(c) Start at one corner of the section
products into sections. The lubricants may be stacked
and place several pallets of containers along adjacent
on pallets or adequate dunnage.
side of the section. Pallets should be as close together
as possible.
(2) Precautions.
described in paragraph 5-46.
(d) Place
containers directly over the first tier until the desired
(3) Methods of stacking. Place necessary
number of tiers is reached. Palletized cans may be
dunnage between ground and first tier and stack
stacked higher than single cans, but available handling
containers as follows:
equipment and stability of stacks must determine the
(a) Stack uncovered cylindrical 5-gallon
number of tiers.
oil cans in an inverted position, with closures on the
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