![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
shooks instead of box lumber for the majority of
aisles. Stocks may be stacked from the center of the
standard box requirements. Shooks can be procured in
shed out, in back-to-back storage, or completely through
open-end contracts and delivered in the quantities
the shed depending on quantity and similarity of stocks
required for normal operations. Thus, storage space is
stored. Surfacing requirements for open sheds are
required for only a 30to 60-day supply of each type
similar or equal to those required for open lumber
shook. This reduces lumber storage yard requirements
storage areas.
and, proportionately, the need for stack foundations,
b. Sheds-closed.
stickers, bolsters, pile spacers, butt boards, box
(1) Uses for closed sheds. Closed sheds are
manufacturing machinery, and the intradepot hauling of
used primarily for the storage of well-seasoned or kiln-
dried lumber, plywood, molding, frame stock, and other
b. Storage of lignum vitae. Lignum vitae is a
show-type lumber intended for special use where end-
greenish brown, hard, and heavy wood. Usually, it is
use moisture content requirements will be 12 percent
stocked as blocks or logs. There is only one correct
and less. The objective during storage is to prevent the
method of storage for lignum vitae, which is to store
lumber from absorbing atmospheric moisture. For this
submerged in fresh water.
There are various
reason, it is advantageous to stack lumber and other
satisfactory methods of underwater storage.
items solidly with only sufficient stickers to stabilize the
method is to drive the U- or I-bolt into the end of the
stack or to designate quantities, grades, or items of
logs or blocks, attach the bolt to a cable, and place in
any pond or other body of fresh water. In the absence
(2) Floor surfacing. Closed sheds should be
of natural water storage facilities, ponds or tanks must
provided with floors, preferably concrete, asphalt, wood
be prepared for the submerged storage of this wood.
block, or planking.
Loose surfacing is not too
When lignum vitae is stored in tanks or ponds, it is not
satisfactory and, earthen floors, particularly if the shed is
necessary that the water be changed as stagnant water
located on a low damp site, may increase the moisture
will protect this wood as well as water that is constantly
within the shed. For this reasons, closed sheds should
being changed.
Lignum vitae quickly becomes
be located on dry well-drained sites. Ventilation of the
unsuitable for use if stored exposed to the air; therefore,
shed should be provided by adequate and adjustable
another method will not be substituted for the
openings in the walls. Stack foundations in closed
submerged storage of this material.
sheds should be high enough to permit air to circulate
c. Storage of plywood. Plywood will normally be in
beneath the stacks. Stagnant air underneath the stacks
a dry condition when received and should be stored in a
probably would accumulate excessive dampness and
closed shed, particularly when the plywood has interior
thus, increase the moisture content of the lumber in the
gluelines. For pro-longed storage, a heated storage
lower part of the stack. If the floor is earth or surfaced
building is recommended. Plywood is commonly solid
with some loose-surfacing materials, the stack
piled. Under humid conditions, there is some tendency
foundations should be about 12 inches in height. When
for edges to swell because of exposed end grain; this
the shed floor is surfaced with concrete or other hard
swelling causes dishing, especially in the upper panels
surfacing, a clearance of 4 inches beneath the stack is
of high piles. Dishing can be minimized by placing
stickers in the pile at intervals. Enough stickers should
(3) Heating of closed sheds. The efficiency
be used so that plywood will not bend between them.
of a closed shed in maintaining a low moisture content
Dry 1-inch strips are suitable for stickering plywood.
in lumber and other items for high-grade end uses is
d. Storage of timbers. Moisture content itself is not
increased greatly if heat is available when weather
of major concern for timbers. The objectives in timber
conditions require it.
When a source of heat is
storage are to prevent serious deterioration and at the
available, a low relative humidity within the shed and
same time accomplish slight drying. Timbers held in
consequently, a low equilibrium moisture content for the
open air storage are subject to checking, splitting, and
lumber can be maintained by increasing the shed
wraping. They are also subject to decay. Checking,
temperature 10 F. to 20 F. above the outdoor
splitting, and warping are associated with shrinkage,
temperature. The heating system should be arranged
stresses generated by the drying of the outer portions.
so that the temperature throughout the shed is uniform.
Decay can result where infection takes place in those
portions of timbers that are exposed to moisture and air.
5-9. Storage of Special Items.
In large timbers, end checks may occur that are likely to
a. Storage of shooks. Shooks should be stored
develop into splits that may extend a considerable -
undercover, preferably near the main packaging areas.
Many activities find it beneficial to procure
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