![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
meters are now on the market. The features common to
distance along the length of the timber. Surface checks
the meters are two pairs of sharp metallic terminals that
are generally of minor importance except where they
can be embedded quickly in the wood, batteries for
develop into the relatively large cracks that are likely to
supplying an electric current through the wood
occur in boxed-heart timbers. Timbers may decay in
intervening between the two terminals, and a means for
storage because of fungi that were in the living tree, or
reading the resistance in the electric circuit directly in
infection may start during the storage period. Decay
terms of the moisture content of the wood holding the
may start on the surfaces of timber in solid piles
terminals. Different species of wood vary in their
because surface drying is retarded or in surface checks
electrical resistance for a given moisture content, and
or splits into which rain or snow water penetrates.
this fact must be taken into consideration in making
(1) Outdoor storage of timber. Timbers stored in
moisture determinations. Usually, manufacturers supply
piles outdoors are usually exposed to sunshine and
proper correction factors. The range of the present
wetting because it is impractical to provide roofs.
meters is about 7 to 24 percent moisture content.
Timbers stored outdoors should be end-coated for
Moisture meters are now available with needles that are
protection from end-checking. If the coating is applied
insulated with a nonconductive coating except for the
before end-checking has started, it will greatly retard the
extreme tip. The insulated needles are preferred since
drying of the end-grain that causes checking and
they can measure the moisture content at various
splitting. The various types of antisplitting irons that are
depths within a piece of lumber.
used commonly on railroad ties may be used on timbers
The electrical-resistance method has an advantage
to prevent the opening up of splits that may develop
over the oven-drying and distillation methods,
from end checks. Timbers stored outdoors should be
principally, because of its speed and convenience as
piled so that the air has access to all faces. The timbers
only a few seconds are required to determine the
in each layer, of course, should be placed several
amount of moisture in any piece of wood. Therefore, it
inches apart and the courses should be separated by 2-
is adaptable for sorting lumber on the basis of its
by-4s. The stickers should be spaced 6 to 10 feet apart.
moisture content. The moisture content is determined
Pile foundations should slope and the pile of timbers
by inserting the prongs of the meter in the back of the
should be built with a forward pitch much like hand-
piece somewhere near the center. This avoids marring
stacked piles of boards or dimension lumber.
the face of the board when the metallic terminal points
(2) Open shed storage of timbers. Timber stored in
are inserted. The electrical methods are the only
an open shed are subjected to practically the same
practical means thus far developed by which the
atmospheric conditions as timbers stored outdoors, but
moisture content of finished woodwork in place can be
they are protected from sunshine and wetting by the roof
determined without serious injury to the wood.
of the shed. Piles are level, rather than sloped and
c. Methods of determining moisture content in
timbers. Since wood acts as a resistance element in the
electrical circuit of a moisture meter, the current flowing
5-10. Measuring Moisture Content.
between electrode needles will follow the path of least
resistance which is the path with the greatest amount of
a. General. Ordinarily, the amount of moisture in
moisture. Thus, a meter with uninsulated electrodes will
wood is expressed as a percentage of the weight of the
show the moisture content of the wettest wood
wood when oven dry. The three distinct methods of
contacted by the electrode needles.
determining moisture content are the oven-drying
electrical meters should not be used on lumber that has
method, the distillation method, and the electrical
been recently wet by rainfall since the meter may
moisture meter method. The latter of the three methods
indicate too high a moisture content. Meters equipped
is the most rapid and does not require cutting the
with insulated needles are preferred. The insulated
material. The only accurate and rapid test is by using a
needles respond only to the moisture content of the
lumber moisture meter in accordance with MILSTD-
wood in contact with the uninsulated tips, hence, it is
1363, Measurement of Wood Moisture Content.
possible to take readings at different depths to obtain a
b. Use of the electrical-resistance method. When
more complete indication of the moisture distribution. If
the rapid indication of the moisture content of wood is
moisture meters with uninsulated needles are not
desired for inspection purposes, the electrical-resistance
available, the moisture content at a depth of one-fifth of
method is the most suitable. This method is based upon
the thickness
the well-known fact that the electrical resistance of wood
changes with moisture content.
Several types of
portable electric moisture
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