![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Figure 5-13. Method of building a roof into a draft of lumber.
(3) Other protection methods.
(2) Paper or roll roofing protection method.
roofing, plywood, panels, corrugated aluminum, metal
Building paper or roll roofing may be combined with
sheeting, and other roofing materials also may be
boards to form a roof. The paper or roofing provides
combined to form roof panels. The panels may be used
watertightness, while the boards support the paper or
singly or doubly in the length of the stack. In all cases,
roofing in a flat sheet and permit the roof to be anchored
the roof should be raised several inches above the top
to the stack. The boards in this type of roof should be
course of lumber to permit movement of air between the
laid in a single layer and, roughly, edge to edge. The
roof and the top of the stack. Special roofing should be
boards forming the front and rear portions need not be
used only when lumber such as oak and other high
overlapped but can be butted over a central crosspiece.
grade lumber is to be stored for long periods of time for
Since this type of roof is tight, the pitch can be flatter
air drying or when, because of unusual conditions,
than one composed of a double layer of overlapping
thoroughly seasoned lumber must be placed in open
boards. The use of a combination of building paper or
roll roofing and boards probably is more applicable to
stacks of unitized lumber than to handstacked piles.
5-8. Covered Storage.
The paper or roll roofing can be laid in strips, running
either crosswise or lengthwise of the stack. When laid
a. Sheds-open. An open shed may be likened to a
crosswise, the strips should be lapped like shingles and
storage yard with a roof. In covered storage, however,
held down by three or more tie pieces running
lumber may be stored on level foundations, 12 inches in
lengthwise of the stack. When the strips are laid
height, as these stacks will not be exposed to rain or
lengthwise, a tie board should be placed over each lap.
snow and will not require slope to accelerate moisture
This type of roof consists of a double layer of boards
runoff. The open shed is advantageous for the storage
with paper or roofing between. The boards of each layer
of surfaced lumber or the better grades of lumber which
are laid with several inches between the edges. With a
are to be held in storage for a long period of time.
roof of this type, there would not be a need for the
Lumber having a moisture content in excess of 20
boards to overlap. There is a wide variety of papers and
percent, which eventually will require covered storage,
roofing on the market, and the choice of a suitable
may be sticker piled and placed in open shed storage for
material should be based on the life of the material with
air drying, as open shed storage has approximately the
reference to the length of time the stack is to stand in
same drying qualities as an open lumber yard. Lumber
the yard. It is probable that the most economical way
is placed into and removed from open sheds from the
would be to discard the paper or roofing when the stack
open sides; therefore, the areas adjacent to the shed are
is taken down.
utilized as working
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