![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
mote from water bodies or wind obstructing objects such
issued according to the original receipt date noted on
as tall trees or buildings). A low site is likely to be
the marker tag which should be placed on the front or
sheltered from the full sweep of the winds and can
pitched end of each draft. Thus, lumber received from
cause dampness which may retard drying and promote
another activity would be issued prior to lumber in stock
stain and decay. The ground surface should be kept
if the marker tag indicated it was the older lumber.
free from debris and vegetation. Debris harbors stain
Adoption of this standard method of marking and dating
and decay organisms and obstructs the movement of air
lumber will aid in preventing the retention of old lumber
over the ground surface and beneath the lumber piles.
in storage. Tags for the marking of lumber must be
Vegetation can be controlled by applying crude oil, salt,
weather-resistant and capable of withstanding long
or weed killers. Covering the ground with cinders,
periods of outdoor storage without becoming
gravel, shells, or crushed stone will retard the growth of
unreadable. Typed or handwritten paper tags, sprayed
vegetation. Yard surfaces should be firm and smooth
with a clear liquid plastic coating, may be used.
for the operation of lumber handling equipment. Rough
Suitable dip-type plastic coatings are also available.
terrain causes additional wear and tear on the machines
Tags made of embossed aluminum or other weather-
and may cause injury to operating personnel. Also,
resistant materials may also be used.
such conditions may cause displacement of stickers and
boards in the draft being transported and may impede
5-6. Open Storage.
the accurate placement of the draft being transported
Yard location and surface. Preferably, the
and may impede the accurate placement of the draft
storage yard is located in an area where the lumber is
during stacking operations.
received, shipped, or used. The best location is on high
ground (i.e., level, well drained, and re-
Figure 5-7. Yard layout.
b. Yard layout. A yard for storage of lumber is laid
transporting and stacking. Aisles in yards where the
lumber is machine-stacked are usually 24 to 30 feet
out in blocks separated by aisles (fig 5-7). A well-
wide, the optimum being 24 feet. The aisles provide
designed yard facilitates the movement of lumber and
routes for transporting lumber, permit the movement of
the taking of inventories. The yard layout is affected by
air through the yard, and serve as a protection against
the size and shape of the available area and by the
the spread of fire. The rows of
equipment used for
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