![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
length to adequately support each board and prevent
(b) Effect of stack height on air drying. The effect
of stack height on drying rate is similar to that of stack
(d) Stickering of seasoned lumber.
width. Increasing the stack height tends to retard drying,
particularly in the lower parts of the stack. The air
Drafts of seasoned lumber having a moisture content of
traveling downward in a stack becomes cooled and
19 percent or less may be placed directly into storage
approaches saturation at a point higher up in a tall stack
and stickered at sufficient intervals to stabilize the draft.
than in a short one, unless the air is replenished by
(7) Air drying of lumber. The air drying of
horizontal movement as it moves downward. Tall
lumber is dependent upon the temperature, the RH of
stacks also tend to restrict general wind movement at
the outdoor air, and the extent air is caused to enter and
the ground level of the yard. Lumber stacked in the
circulate within the stack so that it reaches each
form of drafts may range from about 4 to 20 feet in
individual board.
height. Movement of air through the 6-inch between-
(a) Air flow. Air, at any condition below
draft-spacings will increase to some extent air
100 percent RH or moisture saturation, possesses the
circulation at the lower levels of the stacks.
ability to take up moisture from green lumber. Air that
enters a stack becomes cooled as it takes up moisture
5-4. Binding of Lumber Drafts.
from the lumber and, as its temperature decreases and
RH increases, it loses its ability to dry the lumber. As a
a. Binding requirements. Each draft of lumber,
consequence, if drying is to continue, the air within the
stack must be replenished by ejecting the saturated air
which is assembled for storage or shipment, should be
and admitting fresh drier air. This is accomplished by
bound with an appropriate binding. Binding of the draft
natural horizontal and vertical air movements.
is necessary to prevent movement of lumber during
Horizontal movement within the stack is brought about
handling operations. Shifting of the lumber could alter
by differences in pressure between the two sides of the
the pitch on the draft face or cause the dislocation of
stack caused by prevailing winds, while vertical
stickers and the subsequent distortion of the lumber in
movement is brought about by the increase in density of
the draft. Bindings must be placed directly over the
the air within the stack as the air is cooled. Since it has
stickers in order to secure a tight binding and to prevent
been established that the horizontal movement of air
distortion of the lumber. Also, binders placed other than
within a lumber stack is the principal means of
over the sticker ends will tend to force the lumber in the
accomplishing drying, it is highly important that channels
draft together, thus closing any edge spacing between
for this movement be provided. Vertical movement in
board edges which will restrict the vertical flow of air
itself accomplishes little drying except in the case of
through the draft and retard drying. Bindings should be
squares or when stock is stacked on edge, but vertical
over the second and last sticker in each draft, as shown
movement through interior spaces induces horizontal air
in figure 5-3. Lumber, which is to be transferred
movement across the faces of the boards from which
immediately from unloading point to point of use, will not
most of the evaporation of moisture occurs. Horizontal
require binding or stickering except as desirable to
movement of air within the stack takes place through the
stabilize the draft for transportation purposes.
spaces formed by the stickers.
Spaces for the
downward movement of air are obtained to a minor
b. Binding Materials. Binding should be either 10-
degree in the draft from the natural openings between
gauge round steel galvanized wire of 3/4 by 0.023-inch,
the board edges; however, the major provision for the
type I or IV flat steel strapping in accordance with QQ-S-
downward movement of air is the between-stack-
781. Corner protectors are not required in the binding of
spacing. The wider these spaces, with respect to the
lumber, as the bite of the binding will tend to hold the
total width of the stack, and the smoother the vertical
binding in place over the stickers.
sides of the spaces, the greater will be the passage of
air through them. Edge-to-edge stacked boards, in
5-5. Marking of Lumber Drafts.
drafts 31/2 to 4 feet wide, with good stack spacing in the
rows are comparable to boards in a wide hand-stacked
Each draft of lumber should be properly marked prior to
pile with chimneys at several foot intervals. In this
final storage. Marking should include stock number,
manner, the spacing between the stacks acts as a
board feet, and the date and year received. For
chimney to carry the damp or saturated air down, thus
example, lumber received on 11 July 1977 would be
stimulating horizontal movement of air within the draft.
dated 192/77 (192d day of 1977). Marking lumber will
facilitate issue and inventory and will make it possible to
issue the oldest lumber first. Lumber received from
other activities is
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