![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
Figure 5-6. Sticker guide and butt board ready for use.
above will be stickered between each layer with stickers
(5) Sticker construction and care. Stickers
2 or 3 inches wide by three-fourths of an inch thick and
may be made from any species, but preferably from
of sufficient length to fully support each course of
heartwood. Sapwood is undesirable, as it may harbor
boards. Hardwoods 11/4 inches and over in thickness
stain organisms. All stickers must be sound, dry, free
with a moisture content of 24 percent and above which
from stain and decay, of uniform thickness, and of
are to be stacked in open storage for air drying will be
sufficient width to support the weight of the pile without
stickered with 1-inch or thicker stickers. Hardwood is a
crushing the stickers or causing compression marks in
slow-drying wood and should be well ventilated to speed
the face of the lumber. Stickers, when not in use,
drying and prevent stain and rot in these premium type
should be protected from the weather to be kept dry and
ready for future use.
(c) Stickering of lumber having 20 to 23
(6) Stickering requirements.
percent moisture content. Lumber with a moisture
(a) General. Lumber, when received,
content between 20 and 23 percent does not require as
may be partially green, partially air dried, or thoroughly
much drying as green lumber and consequently requires
seasoned. To establish stickering requirements, the
less air circulation within the draft. This lumber will be
moisture content of the lumber must be determined.
stickered with lath (11/2 by 1/2 by 48 in) between each
(b) Stickering of lumber when moisture
two layers of material 11/2 inches thick or less and
content exceeds 24 percent. Partially green lumber or
between each layer 15/s inches thick and above.
lumber with a moisture content of 24 percent or more,
However, hardwoods having a moisture content
requires a greater amount of air circulation within the
between 20 and 23 percent, which are being placed in
draft to remove this excess moisture as rapidly as
open storage for continued air seasoning, will be
possible to avoid possible stain and rot. Lumber with a
stickered with 1-inch or 11/2by 3/4-inch stickers of
moisture content of 24 percent and
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