![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
is properly loaded and the load secured before the
(2) Strength. The bulkhead will be strong
vehicle moves.
enough to withstand a horizontal forward force equal to
one-half the static weight of the cargo carried. This
3-82. Freight Loss and Damage.
would be when such force is distributed over that part of
the bulkhead extending from the vehicle floor, upward to
a. Adherence to methods and techniques to
a height sufficient to stop the forward movement of any
prevent loss and damage. Adherence to prescribed
piece of lading carried on the vehicle. It could also be to
loading and securing methods and techniques will help
the height of the driver's compartment or a combination,
reduce loss and damage to shipments in transit to a
whichever is the lesser height.
(3) Penetration resistance. Bulkheads will be
b. Visible loss or damage. Visible loss or damage
so designed, constructed, and maintained so as to resist
existing at time of receipt of a shipment should be
penetration by any piece of lading carried on the vehicle
properly recorded by the receiving personnel in
when such vehicle is subjected to the maximum
accordance with the procedures of the appropriate
deceleration of its service brakes. Bulkheads will not
military department.
have openings large enough to pass the smallest piece
c. Concealed loss or damage. A complete report
of lading carried on the vehicle.
of circumstances, including the time damage to or loss
c. Blocking and bracing requirements.
of shipment was observed, should promptly be made to
the appropriate local military freight traffic personnel
(1) Cargoes subject to forward shifting. On
responsible for initiating a Transportation Discrepancy
vehicles carrying cargoes which cannot be placed firmly
Report (TDR), when--
against the forward bulkhead, suitable blocking and
bracing or tiedowns will be provided in addition to the
(1) Damage to or shortage in a shipment was
bulkhead specified in b above to prevent the forward
not observed at time of receipt from the commercial
shifting of such cargoes when the vehicle is subjected to
carrier (concealed loss or damage).
the maximum deceleration of its service brakes.
(2) Damage or shortage is discovered while
(2) Cargo subject to side shifting in transit.
being stored, processed, or reshipped from storage.
Vehicles carrying cargoes of such nature as to be
(3) It can be shown that the loss or damage
subject to side shifting in transit, even when equipped
did not occur after the material left the custody of the
with sideboards or stakes, as required in e below, will
have such cargo securely blocked or braced to the sides
(4) It is indicated that the loss or damage
of the vehicle.
occurred during shipment.
d. Tiedown requirements. Every cargo-carrying
vehicle will be equipped with either sideboards or
3-83. Instructions for Securing Materials
tiedown devices designed to prevent the falling, shifting
Transported by DOD-Owned-Motor Vehicles.
forward, or backward motion of any lading being carried.
a. General. Every truck, semitrailer, full trailer,
Tiedown devices will be as follows:
and pole trailer used for transporting cargo over public
(1) If the vehicle is without sideboards or
streets and highways will be equipped with bulkhead,
sides, it shall be equipped with a minimum of two
tiedowns, sideboards, and blocking as hereinafter
tiedown devices on load lengths of 21 feet or less.
specified. Combinations consisting of a truck trailer and
For loads over 21 feet, a minimum of three tiedown
a pole trailer shall have the option of providing a
devices will be used and an additional tiedown device
bulkhead mounted either on the front of the pole trailer
for each 10 feet of load length over 30 feet. If
or behind the driver's compartment of the tractor. When
necessary, additional tiedown devices will be provided
the bulk-head required is mounted on the tractor, the
to secure each piece of lading being transported, either
lading on the pole trailer will be securely fastened with
by direct contact with the tiedown devices or by use of
tiedowns meeting the requirements listed herein.
dunnage contacting sufficient individual pieces of the
b. Bulkhead requirements.
lading and the dunnage then secured by the tiedown.
(1) Height and width. Bulkheads will be of
(2) Each tiedown device will be equipped with
such heights as to block the forward motion of any piece
a load binder, Federal specification GGG-G-325, Binder,
of lading on the vehicle, or alternately, as high as the
load. The binder chain will be attached to the tiedown
driver's compartment of the vehicle or combination.
bar or to such other tiedown devices provided by the
Bulkheads will be of such width as to block' the forward
truck manufacturer. When vehicles are not equipped
motion of any piece of lading of the vehicle or
with tiedown devices, the binder chain will be of
alternately, as wide as the widest portion of the vehicle.
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