![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
and the carrier. Explosives and ammunition will be
e. Palletized loads.
palletized in accordance with approved procedural
(1) Advantages. The
of a
publications/drawings issued by the military services.
palletized load is that a quantity of small packs or units
(2) Forming pallet loads. Palletized load may
can be consolidated into a few large packs; thereby,
form a full uniform load, a tiered load, a staggered load,
reducing the number of handlings. For example, 300
or a strapped load. The load should be balanced,
containers of a given item can be consolidated into 10
weight should be evenly distributed, and blocking and
pallet loads, thus, reducing the number of handlings by
bracing should be kept to a minimum. A staggered load
more than 96 percent. Consequently, the number of
of palletized items is illustrated by figure 3-41. The
handlings involved in loading and unloading may be
pallets are staggered to obtain a compact balanced
reduced from 300 to 10. Accordingly, palletization of
materials for shipment would be beneficial to the shipper
Figure 3-41. Staggered palletized loading.
g. Flatbed truck and trailer loading. The basic
principles of weight distribution, tight loading, and
(3) Pallet size for maximum utilization.
prevention of load movement all apply to the loading of
Pallets must be suitable for handling by all media of
open top vehicles. Materials loaded on an open top
transportation for maximum utilization. the general
vehicle will be secured to the vehicle to prevent any
service pallet, 40 by 48 inches, meets these
possibility of the load shifting or falling off the vehicle,
f: Strapped pallet loads. Generally, pallet loads
underpasses, culverts, bridge abutments, and creating a
are strapped fore and aft and are secured on all sides.
hazard to pedestrians. When the trucks and trailer,
Blocking and bracing is kept to a minimum as the weight
either open or closed, are military equipment, it will be
of the load combined with floor blocking of the bottom
the responsibility of the driver to assure that the vehicle
tier prevents the load from shifting in transit.
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