![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
sufficient length to pass over the cargo and underneath
adequately fastened to prevent any forward, backward,
the vehicle body or flat bed, stakes sides, or pole
or sideward motion of the load when the vehicle is
trailers. The chain will be 3/s-inch steel BBB Coil Chain
subjected to the maximum deceleration of its service
in accordance with Federal specification RR-C-271,
Chains and Attachments, Welded, Weldless and Roller
h. Acceptable loads. DOD drivers will not be
Chain. Binding chains will be adjusted as tight as
permitted to move a load if the load is not secured in
compliance with these instructions when such loads are
e. Stakes and sideboards. Vehicles carrying cargo
offered for transportation over public streets and
not secured in compliance with (1) above will be
equipped with sides, sideboards, or stakes; a rear end
gate; and a header board. Stakes, sideboards, end
3-84. Use and Maintenance of Pneumatic Dunnage.
gate, and header board will be of a height no less than
a. Use. Pneumatic dunnage is an airtight bag with
the load carried, and without an opening large enough to
a valve or valves for inflating and, in the case of
pass the smallest article on the vehicle as loaded.
reusable types, for deflating. It is designed to occupy
f. Long material.
When cargo such as long
void spaces in loaded rail, highway, or marine
lengths of pipe, piling, telephone poles, or similar
conveyances, including intermodal containers, to secure
material is carried on pole trailers and it is of such length
shipments in transit. Pneumatic dunnage is not for use
that the cargo must be used for connecting the front and
in aircraft. It may not be used to secure explosives or
rear bolsters, uprights, the height of the cargo will be
other hazardous articles without prior approval of the
inserted in pockets on the right and left side of each
Bureau of Explosives. Also, it cannot be used to secure
bolster. Such uprights will be tied together above the
loads of military explosives and ammunition.
load. Also, the cargo will be bound together by a
b. Types and sizes.
Pneumatic dunnage is
binding chain at the center of the load length. A red flag
available in two types-reusable (fig 3-42) and disposable
will be tied to the end of the oversized material for
(3-43). The nomenclature is "Dunnage, Pneumatic,
safety purposes.
Cargo Shoring-Type I Disposable and Type II
g. Vehicles exempt from tiedown requirements.
Reusable." Both are covered by Federal Specification
Vehicles transporting articles which because of size,
PPP-D-1427. Units are available through normal supply
shape, or weight require special vehicles for their
channels from the Defense General Supply Center,
carriage or special methods for their fastening, are
Richmond, VA. Sizes of pneumatic dunnage adopted
exempt from tiedown requirements stated herein.
by DOD as most suitable for general use are as follows:
However, loads on such vehicles will be securely and
Inflated size
Deflated size
Type I.............................................................................
36 in by 48 in
36 in by 58 in
12 lbs
(Disposable) ..................................................................
48 in by 48 in
48 in by 58 in
18 lbs
48 in by 71 in
48 in by 82 in
22 lbs
48 in by 96 in
48 in by 106 in
26 lbs
Type II ...........................................................................
48 in by 48 in
57-1/2 in by 571/2 in
18-22 lbs
(Reusable) ....................................................................
48 in by 72 in
57-1/2 in by 81-1/2 in
26-29 lbs
assembly which consists of a threaded valve body
(1) Reusable pneumatic dunnage can be
molded into the dunnage unit. On some models, the
utilized for an indefinite number of shipments. It is
inflation valve has a metal washer and special nut to
fabricated from high tensile strength, finely woven, nylon
anchor the valve body to the dunnage unit. On these
fabric treated with a rubber or rubber-like compound and
models, a valve stem screws into the valve body and is
vulcanized as a single unit. (Units equipped with a
secured by a chain attached to the metal washer. Other
removable bladder are also currently in the system.
manufacturers use an "O" ring-type inflation valve which
This design has been outdated by the specification listed
incorporates a valve cap and a valve insert which
above; however, these units should be used until no
houses a check disc.
longer serviceable.) The unit has a high-flow valve
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