![]() TM 38-400/NAVSUP PUB 572/AFMAN 23-210 MCO 4450.14/DLAM 4145.12
from there to using sections in limited amounts, except
supplies for tactical units could result in unnecessary
as noted in paragraph 5-59b(3).
loss of life and danger to national defense.
(3) In some areas, losses have assumed
(10) Accurate methods of taking physical
such proportions as to jeopardize the mission of the
inventories and of accounting for stock procurement,
installation. All installations can anticipate loss. Actual
usage, and salvage will be established.
losses will depend on such variable factors as type and
(11) Entrance to security areas will be limited
amount of materials, equipment, and supplies which are
to specific individuals properly authorized access to
produced, processed, and stored at the facility; number
storage or processing areas. Sign-in and -out registers
of persons employed; social and economic conditions in
will be maintained in all security areas. All security
surrounding communities; command attitudes; and
areas will be posted as restricted.
physical security measures employed. Because these
factors will differ greatly in various types of installations
3-58. Responsibilities.
and in different geographical locations, each must be
a. Commanders will administer the necessary
considered separately.
physical security measures for protection of classified,
b. Measures for control. Specific measures for
pilferable, and sensitive material, together with small
prevention of pilferage will be based on careful analysis
arms control and operation of SASP in accordance with
of the conditions at each installation. The most practical
applicable military service/agency regulations.
and effective method for controlling pilferage is the
b. Commanders will ensure that all persons
establishment of adequate physical security and
involved in the receipt, storage, issue, repair, and
psychological deterrents. This may be accomplished in
inspection of classified material are versed in the
a number of ways..
instructions contained herein and in regulations
(1) An aggressive security education program
governing the security of classified material.
is an effective means of convincing employees that they
c. The installation TOP SECRET Control Officer,
have much more to lose than they do to gain by
or his alternate, will ensure the security control of TOP
engaging in acts of theft.
It is important for all
SECRET material during receipt, storage, and issue.
employees to realize that pilferage is morally wrong no
matter how insignificant the value of the item taken.
3-59. Storage Security.
(2) It is particularly important for supervisory
a. Storage of classified items. These items should
personnel to set a proper example and maintain a
be kept separate from other material.
The most
desirable moral climate for all employees.
satisfactory method is to store such items in a separate
(3) All employees must be impressed with the
building with a higher degree of physical protection than
fact that they have a legal responsibility to report any
other buildings. Where a separate building is not
loss to proper authorities.
available or where its use is not warranted by the
(4) Adequate inventory and control measures
quantity of classified storage, a room, cage, or crib may
should be instituted to account for all material, supplies,
be constructed within a warehouse building. All areas
and equipment. The awareness of poor accounting
which contain classified material will be secured by
controls provides one of the greatest sources of
means of approved locking systems. This will include
temptation to a potential pilferer.
any temporary storage space used for in-transit
(5) An effective material control system will
classified material. In addition to classified items being
be established which includes inspection of delivery and
stored separately from other material, classified material
vendor vehicles.
will be segregated in storage from sensitive but
unclassified items. This further segregation will prevent
(6) All suspected losses will be investigated
exposure to compromise of classified material incident
quickly and efficiently.
to a break-in aimed at stealing unclassified but sensitive
(7) An effective key and lock control system
items. Standards for the physical protection of classified
will be established and monitored regularly for security
items are specifically established in DOD Directive
5200.1 as implemented by each military service and
(8) Keys controlling security areas will be
limited to a minimum number of authorized individuals
b. Storage of pilferable and sensitive items.
to maintain operations and will be strictly controlled by
(1) In addition to normal installation security
designated individuals.
procedures, commanders will assure that storage
(9) Bulk quantities of highly pilferable stock
procedures and techniques afford adequate protection
will be stored in enclosed security areas and distributed
for pilferable/sensitive items. Structural
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